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December 14, 2003



You're right - good things will flow!!!


Don't get too excited yet, there's still plenty o'shit coming from our direction. The lefties are all over this saying Saddam must be braught to Haag, because "The US cannot try to make justice by themselves, they have no right to".
It must be because of all their assistance that they feel they should be a part of it. Bah, the sooner I get out of here, the better!


Here's the plan as I would do it, Pompa, so don't worry about the Left.

Try Saddam in the next month in OUR military tribunal. Fair trial, closed to all TV media. Convict him and sentence him to die.

While maintaining physical control of Saddam, turn him over to the Iraqis for trial in a military, civil or Islamic court, or all three. He will again be sentenced to die.

Let the Hague try him, VIA SATELLITE. We maintain control of his person in territory we control. They convict him and sentence him to prison.

All the trials are done, we confab with the Iraquis and decide who gets to execute him. He is executed by the Iraqis, who hang him on world TV for all the other despots and jihadists to see.



Definitely, the Iraqis should get him first. Let him be tried by Iraqis in an Iraq court of law. We can always extradite the pieces later.


The first thing I thought of yesterday as I watched the news of Hussein's capture was this:

The Democrats best hope for winning in 2004 just got checked for head lice live on CNN.


Texas soldiers from Ft. Hood dug his sorry butt out of the dirt. Too good.

I am glad this vile creature lived long enough to see his even worse offspring sent to hell by the American forces. Pray he drank deep from the well of pain he made so many other Itaqi parents visit.


Y'alls comments rock. Thank you. :-)

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX


"...sounded like Howard Dean."

AHAhahah. I like that.


Great timing -- they will have things mopped up and declared a rousing success in time for the election.

The democrats are probably wondering what in the world they are supposed to do now . . .

Ms Anna

The Dems will just continue to chase their own tails. They are trying to learn how to wipe their own ass.

No offense meant to the four-legged dogs of the world.

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