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December 30, 2003



Well worth the trip.


Isn't he quite the yachtsman also? I think he designed a very early computer program about 15 years ago called "WhatStar" in which you could input your true heading, estimated position and height shot of the body and the program would identify the star, resolve your position into a highly accurate MPP (most probable position) and correct your heading (rate your compass). This program was amazing because it enabled the cloudbound celestial navigator to shoot an unknown star through a hole in the overcast and reliably use it for navigation.

If Amelia Erhart had this program, she would still be alive. Her navigator got lost shooting celestial out of the side window of her aircraft and they ran out of gas doing a search pattern for the only available emergency landing field.


I first attempted to read "The Unmaking of a Mayor" when I was 16. Could not make it through a single page without grabbing the dictionary. And did it have an impact on my vocabulary.

If you want to get serious about writing, then I suggest Buckley's book: "Buckley: The Right Word." Amazon.com has only three copies of the book in paperback.

Happy New Year

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