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December 19, 2003



But... but... but... Bush is a MORON! And a COWBOY! He can't possibly be doing anything right.


The Small Child and I managed to get ourselves kicked out of a dinner party this evening -- this cheered me up enormously!


NO! Going to Iraq was only, only for the oiiiiiiil.

Didn't another cowboy, a California cowboy, give "Quack-daffy" a kick in the backside in the mid-80's? Reagan most certainly did.

Would appear seeing a thug-buddy get the crap kicked out of him made even more of an impression. Oh, to have seen the look on the faces Michale Moore, Babs Streisand, and the rest of the cabal....

It's begining to look a lot like Christmas, every where you go.....


Rob, Anne, Valerie....thanks....your comments definitely made my morning. Huge grin with my morning coffee.

If you couldn't tell, I was just a bit jazzed hearing that on the radio yesterday? *hehe*

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX

p.s. Anne, I'll be checkin' your blog to read how you n' the little one got the exit-invite. :)


Bush had NOTHING to do with LIBYA.

Libya has been working the the US for 11 years to remove itself from the Enemy Nation list. It has been doing everything possible and the CIA was planning to remove it in 2001, but at 9/11 they suspended the removal of all enemy nation states pending a new review. At that time, money and status change in 4 years was promised ot Libya by the CIA for their full complience in tranparency of their military. Sorry, nothing to do with Bush, other than make him look good for doing nothing.

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