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December 12, 2003



Have fun ;)


I'll bet there won't be any "loft" shots, at least none after lights out.

See, I quit writing about guns long enough to come here and look for the fotos....

Denita TwoDragons

Suuuuuuure, those paper towels are for "drool"...riiiiiiiight... ;-)

--TwoDragons, fighting a sinus infection


Rivrdog. I'm from the old school. S&W mod 28, 4" bbl. And a D/A pull slicker than the proverbial hot knife through butter. S/A pull like cleanly breaking glass. I'm shopping for a new carry gun after the sad demise of my Browning BDA .380. Alloy frame stress cracks just under the forward slide rail.

And, um, Denita? Not tonite, dear. I'd have to pour some Bourbon into my hand to get my date drunk. There's only enough in the bottle for me though, and I'm a greedy SOB.

Finally, thanks Marti. I always do. *grin*

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Denita TwoDragons

That's the nice thing about having a date who shares her blood supply with you--get yourself drunk and she follows right along! *evil grin*


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