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December 21, 2003



Be cool with it - you're driving through the South of the South - and I'm a Southerner.

Ms Anna

Have a safe trip.


Bring back some white sand for Galvatraz.


Have a safe and good trip. Thankfully my trip home to see the parents is only 2 hours.


Thanks to all. Luther, I might just bring back a jar of sand, so the locals here can go "ooohhhh, SAND!". *heh*

I tend to set the cruise at about 75 or 77 mph, depending on the local limit. I'm running at about the 85th to 90th percentile of traffic, but not into the flagrant-speeding range that gets the unwanted attention.

No need to do 90, when the time gained is lost in extra fuel stops and possible roadside interludes with the constablury.

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX


The mere fact that you will be moving laterally will safeguard you to a degree. people are either running to Florida or to Texas. In your case, be advised that these 2 states to reciprocate on the gun laws and will extradite (personal knowledge of that fact due to an errant sibling). You should check some of the stogie merchants will there. Some are having visits of the high "roller" category. ( get it??? roller? as in cigar roller. bada bing ty!)
...yeah....it's 10 am and I'm buzzed.......so the fuck what?????? it's Christmas! feliz navidog!


Brother luther - I agree - Moving Laterally is the answer! Bejus!

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