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December 22, 2003


Ms Anna

Just wish he could crack that whip over the Senate side, too. I see raging red whenever I think about how little the Senate gets done with only 100 members, while 435 House Representatives burn through the crap of politics and get laws and budgets passed.


Well, that was refreshing! We do need more DeLays in office, armed with huge Cluebats, just for the LLL.

What a treat that would be!

Daniel Day

I like DeLay's speaking style, and I wish Washington DC was full of people with his attitude and politics. But:
When he refers to the "balanced" budget of a few years ago, I want to hurl. They were counting Social Security payments as income. It seemed like every politician in Washington, including Newt, called that budget "balanced" (perhaps Ron Paul, another Texan, had the gumption to call it what it was), and I'm really, really sick of hearing it. Contrary to what Delay unfortunately said in the latter part, the Republicans _lack_ credibility precisely because of this double-talk. Don't even get me started on Democrats.
Merry Christmas to you and yours, Jim.

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