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December 11, 2003



Thank you Sir! Ain't it great - growing up. I owe you a cold beverage and a smoke!!!!!

Pedro the Ignorant

"On Any Sunday" is one of the great motorcycle movies.
It captures perfectly the feel of the times when the ride was more important than winning, and the open road or desert track was the key to freedom.

Here in Australia we have a LOT of desert, and the ride today is as good as it was 30+ years ago.
A good bit slower, and it takes a little longer to recover, but the thrill of the ride never goes away.

Thanks for the reminder, Jim, I am going to pull out the video again and re-live a little.


My comment was eaten. Either that or I stuck it on the wrong post. ; )

I'll re-create:

I read Sam's story earlier and was FLOORED that such a sweetie was ever such a hellion.

As for you, Jim...I can't say anything. (I was chased on barefoot by police at age 15.)


I grew up in SoCal, too. O.C. Same time frame. I've got the same story, but with a janitor from the elementary school where we were all getting high. And there was a screwdriver involved. And the Police. Hmmm, maybe not the same story.

Thanks for the flashback memories.

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