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December 15, 2003



I agree. May it be a long smoke.


And who says Castro couldn't have nukes? Don't forget that when JFK intervened, most nuke warheads could just barely be carried by a medium truck. Now, you and I could carry one in our briefcases.

Castro has been in bed with all manner of Marxists for a loooooong time. Don't forget that the original Middle Eastern terrorists were all Marxists, and so motive, means and opportunity (Africa) all existed for Castro to feed from them and vice versa.

No, Castro could still stir up a mess of shit for us, and instead of recognizing this, we are falling all over ourselves "normalizing" relations. Various lefty guilt-mongers have been pushing this cozy relationship in the name of atonement for Bay of Pigs. The only atonement we should do for Bay of Pigs is to do it right, next time.

Denita TwoDragons

Frankly, I don't understand why we shouldn't turn our attention on Castro next, once the Iraqi reconstruction is nearing its end. That Cuban tyrant-freak is entirely too close for comfort--especially with what Rivrdog had to say about the portability of nukes nowadays. And let's not forget--the POWER of nukes nowadays as well...

So many dictators, so little time...*sigh*


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