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January 19, 2004


Ms Anna

Thanks for the heads-up.

Bob Baird

Actually, the only amazing thing about this discussion is that it still needs to be made. The fact is that entirely too many of our citizens have never had to be soldiers... they have depended on others to protect them. As a consequence, private life for too many of them comes equipped with police protection to supplement the soldiers who protect these pampered citizens from the brutal realities of life.

Unfortunately, when a citizen is confronted with the need to protect himself and his family he learns the hard way that all the police can usually do typically is fill out an incident report while the ambulances are carrying you and your family members to the closest trauma center.

It's not the cops fault. It's the helpless victim's fault. Time after time after time you hear about arrogant thugs being amazed when some citizen rears up on his hind legs and shoots back. And amazingly, it is often the victim of violent crime who has the most to fear from the system. The old joke is that after you shoot the creep you need to be sure to drag his corpse into your house because then you can argue the "castle rule". And they're not kidding!

I was taught that every Marine is a rifleman, and I suppose that it was beaten into me in Viet Nam. Of course, it really didn't take too much convincing. It just seemed to be self evident. Still does.

Jim... you're pushing these buttons on purpose, aren't you?


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