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January 29, 2004



Yeah, I got your suckitude.

I'm working for free (in Hubby's office), and will likely have to take out a second mortgage to pay the IRS.

Good for you for not taking the crap. Best wishes for furthering your prosperity. ; )


I know you'll be just fine...I've never met a real sailor who failed at anything. It ain't true for deckhands, though.


Damn, to get such news after a great weekend. But you are doing the right thing. Good luck searching for something else and if I can be of any assistance, then let me know.


There is general suckitude in the blogosphere...JimSOTW, Key, Acidman, Venomous Kate...There are more pity-parties this weekend than Super Bowl parties, I think...must be SAD (not enuff sunshine), but in W. OR, we have only had about 5 sunny days all winter and life is looking up here!


So, Jim, let me get this straight...they want you to do the management part for free, and hope that you can earn enough money in your spare time on commission only sales to live on, huh? How very generous of them.

The local Centex Homes had a meeting for all the subcontractors here several years ago and basically told them that they expected the subcontractors to work for Centex for below (the subs) cost, and to make their profits on the other homebuilders. That had to rank fairly close to the top of the stupidest deals I had ever been offered.

If you can live off commission as a salesperson, I don't think you will have any problem whatsoever finding a better deal. I would slap starve to death on commission only sales, whether it be widgets or life insurance. Wish I were a skilled salesperson, but I ain't. In order to be an effective sales person, I have to really know and like the product and, even so, my sales technique consists of "here it is, these are the attributes, these are my favorite features, buy it or quit wasting my time."

I've been told that you have to sell from an emotional point of view, make that person buying see the positive attributes that will accumulate to them as a result of the purchase. For example, when I buy a car, all I'm looking for is transportation from point A to point B, in reasonable safety and comfort, at the lowest possible price. I have found, to my chagrin, that most people buy for the "intangibles"; i.e. that they think that they may look younger, smarter, or otherwise more virile in certain types of vehicles.

One of these days maybe I'll learn how to sell things correctly.

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