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January 30, 2004


Steve H.

Of course, this won't affect the supply of Cubans. Maybe Fidel is behind it.

A lot of jobs are going to be squooshed if this thing goes through with the cigar part.

Raging Dave

Already done wrote the critters. I was ordering when I saw that little memo.

Here in Washington State the tax on tobacco products is 150%. It was only supposed to be a tax on cigarettes, and the money was supposed to go to "lower income child healthcare". Yeah, right.

So far, those programs haven't seen a dime, and the tax now covers all tobacco products. Fucking slime-sucking shitball moonbat politicians in Olympia have no problem lying their asses off. And the worst part is, since the tax was voted in by the people in this state, it's not going away.

I can't wait to get out of here.

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