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January 13, 2004



"...arrogant and evil." LOL!

I stopped by there today, but I missed that.

Ms Anna

Perhaps the real beef burger should be renamed "organic beef burger." It is naturally grown!


There is such an animal as "organic beef" already -- it's beef raised without the hormones and antibiotics. "Organic" is not to be confused with "free range," which just means the cows got to wander around before winning the all-expenses-paid trip to the local slaughterhouse. Usually you can find it at gourmet shops and health food stores -- at least the ones that do not cater to the Extreme Vegetarians.

The Extreme Vegetarians believe devoutly in the alleged superiority of their diet and lifestyle -- you simply can't talk to them at all. Oddly enough, many of them wear combat boots, a dead animal product last time I checked.

The data is befinning to roll in on the low-carb thing, and so far, we carnivors with our steaks and caesar salads are turning out to be far healthier than anyone would have believed . . .

Ms Anna

The most "healthful" thing about a ceasar salad is the romaine letuce, one of the highest in vitamins and minerals of the "rabbit" food genre. It's the dressing that add pounds to our middles.

Ms Anna

P.S. I like the taste of good food, fat-free caesar salad dressing does not do it for me. If I'm going to eat, I'm going to enjoy it.

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