I'm a landlubber this weekend.
Although I brought my laptop with me, the hotel phone just wouldn't connect with my modem. Such is life in deep South East Texas.
When I get home, I'll smell of piney woods, cigars and gunsmoke.
Lots and lots of gunsmoke.
Not me. I want to offer nekkid mud 'rassslin' in 10' X 3' rubber swimming pools filled with cooked oatmeal.
Whadda you think of that idea? Could we make a buck in Texas doing something like that?
Posted by: Acidman | January 24, 2004 at 06:57 PM
I'm not sure if you could make a livin' at it or not. I expect my husband would take it unkindly if I went down there to watch you and Jim oatmeal rasslin.
Posted by: SwampWoman | January 24, 2004 at 06:59 PM
Not me. I want to offer nekkid mud 'rassslin' in 10' X 3' rubber swimming pools filled with cooked oatmeal.
Whadda you think of that idea? Could we make a buck in Texas doing something like that?
Posted by: Acidman | January 24, 2004 at 07:08 PM
I love the smell of gunsmoke first thing in the morn'.
Posted by: Agatha | January 25, 2004 at 11:59 AM
Acidman, listen to Swampwoman. She's so right. So very, very right.
We did mention the allure of warm cordite fumes wafting from the breech of Kim's .45 ACP Marlin Camp Carbine.
Eau de Cordite. Wonder if I can get 'em to bottle me some?
Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX
Posted by: Jim | January 25, 2004 at 09:21 PM
There's a US company that bottles it already. It's called Remington, and they make these handy boxes of 20 little brass bottles that go into the bottle openers we call rifles. When each little brass bottle is opened, it announces it's freshness not only by wafting cordite smoke your way, but by giving a nice little tap to your shoulder where you hold the bottle opener snugly.
The bottle tops fly away from you in the direction the mouth of the bottle opener is pointed. These bottle tops are good for various jobs when the opener-operator gets proficient enough to send them all to the exact same place every time a bottle is opened. Boring little holes into items of various construction is one of the more useful jobs these bottle openers can be put to. You realize of course, that certain items need more holes bored in them than others, and the boring of these holes can become very important in our lives.
I suppose it's fair to say that true Life is never boring, but the decision to bore or not to bore is the question that Life calls us constantly to answer.
Posted by: Rivrdog | January 25, 2004 at 09:39 PM