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January 20, 2004



I have a formula for blog visitors: 95% will either just drift through or lurk, 30% will comment with what they think you want to hear, 1.5% will say what they think, and that last .5% will say something mean just because they are relatively anonymous and can.

I value my 1.5%.

Ms Anna

Sometimes I comment just to say "hello, I've been here, keep up the good work."


..Just try to make me hold in my opinion.

Commenting is what it's about. Everyone should do it. DO IT, I SAID! Seriously, feedback is nice.

Glad you're around, Jim. I'm proud to have been on the "cattle-prod to your ass" team; I couldn't have picked a better ass to motivate. ; )


Thank you, ladies for your hanging' around and reading, and especially your comments.

I'm curious though.

Which of the cigars I wrote about did you order for yourselves?

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX


You've got it going on my man - you've got it going on...

Da Goddess

I'm sorry I'm late to the "glad you're blogging" party...but, I think you'll notice that I tend to go in fits and spurts based on my work schedule. I rarely get to read any blog every day anymore.

That said, I'm glad you're blogging. Intelligent, feline inclined, and ruggedly handsome to boot. Always makes for a pleasant journey.

(Did you like that ruggedly handsome part? Did ya?)


Thanks for the advice on the smokes. I think I may go the sampler route though, and get 3/4 five packs.

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