It's working though. A windy, cold front from the North is rocking the boats here in the marina. Not too much though, really more of a "just right" cadence which matches the mellow in my soul.
With the heat on in the boat, and a splash of Maker's Mark for my personal thermostat, it's a nice ending to a relaxing day. The top hatches are cracked a bit to let the smoke from a perfectly made El Rey Del Mundo waft upwards and out. Remarkably, the smell of smoke never clings belowdecks. Fresh, clean sea air works wonders.
It was a good day for a slacker. I finally found a good pizza in Houston. Pity it's an hour's drive from here, but I'll visit again. Also, too many hard-earned dollars were spent on a large order of cigars, but they're destined to be burnt offerings to the cause of exemplary marksmaship, juicy steaks, fine whiskeys and flowing conversation.
But that's next weekend. Tonight, I'll sleep easy. Warm and snug below, while the chill wind whistles in the stays and shouds, the halyards of boats nearby chiming in the harmonies which only a boat can sing.
I'll leave you with this passage, which I originally posted as a comment on Rob's site. I don't think he'll mind that I've stolen my own stuff and posted it here.
A warm, moonlit night on the water, under sail on a long, beam reach. Fresh breeze, gentle waves and nothing but horizon on the bow.
Music, just barely loud enough to be heard, yet, not interrupting the mood.
Rounding up into the wind, the anchor is dropped and the boat swings 'round as the hook is set. Hurrying slowly (yes), the galley is opened and put to use.
Shortly, a modest feast comes forth, served abovedecks upon the cockpit table. A brass, hurricane lantern competes with the moon, and loses, but is content in it's defeat to shine gently o'er the fare.
Succulent, greedily consumed by hungry lips, hot, spicy and flavorful. Dinner ignites other, deeper hungers, soon to be explored.
The wine flows freely, but not to besot. Fuel for the fires though, and the sweeter for it.
Moments are savored as time is lost. Talk of lives, loves, losses even, open further the souls, and make ready the hearts.
Now then, the dance is begun, the cabin grows warm and close. Waves smile upon the boat, taking the rocking they find, as compliments to their toils.
Dawn comes unbeknownst, yet, the morning is sweet and the sun is soft. And welcomed.
I sleep alone tonight, but am warmed by a memory.
Hope y'all enjoyed your weekends, too.
A little R&R goes a long way...
I relaxed a bit just reading this post. Thianks!
Posted by: Valerie | January 18, 2004 at 11:03 PM
That was beautiful. Makes ME wanna be there ;)
Posted by: Linda | January 19, 2004 at 09:53 AM
Obviously sir, you KNOW why you boat.
Posted by: Rivrdog | January 19, 2004 at 11:39 AM