I like it when I read a journalist who gets it right, for a change.
Monday's Deanplosion was expected, sooner or later, but was and is, largely, a mere distraction from the larger issues. The fanantics of the Islamic world have declared and waged war on the United States and other Western societies.
President Bush nailed it in the State of the Union Address, and David S. Broder examines contrasts between the donk dwarves and President Bush's positions in Two Visions of America.
And I think he's nailed it.
In this first month of the long campaign, the Democrats as a group have decided that the principal challenges facing the nation are right here at home -- jobs, education, health care, the environment -- while Bush is profoundly convinced that the most serious threats lie abroad.
To me, the second most serioius threat is pretty much ensconced within the democrat party.
You'll have to register on this one to read more. In this case, the registration is easy and non-intrusive, so I went for it. The article is worth it, so I'd encourage you to do likewise.