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January 20, 2004



Someone on another blog asked if Teddy had Parkinson's since he was shaking his head so much during the speech. It's just too bad he didn't care for the speech tonight (heavy with sarcasm, of course!).


Sometimes I live in a simplistic world by choice. For my foreign policy, I favor the simple notion of giving the Turbans the choice of democracy or death.

For my domestic political agenda, I favor aiming the entire force of the faithful Right to one target: forcing Ted Kennedy to resign in disgrace and/or locking him up for the rest of his life for murder.

For my faith-based agenda, I thank God that I have the freedom to write this screed.


At first I thought Kennedy was shaking his head "Nooooo" too. But now I think it was lack of alcohol.


I'll give Teddy the keys to a shiny new Olds if only he'd take Jane Fonda for a drive.

Y'all are right though, but I side with Baldilocks...I think Ted's having a good case of D.T. fits.

It's going to be one hell of an interesting year though.

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Ms Anna

How about adding some of the newer "Hollywoods" to that drive with Ted Kennedy and Jane Fonda? There are several more that can be named "traitor" now.

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