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January 19, 2004


Ms Anna

Perhaps the phrase, "Doctor, heal thyself" is appropriate. He must have a problem. His foot is always in his mouth, and tonight he definitely sounded delusional.


Here's the meat of this nut: as most people mature, usually starting at around age 25, they begin to see value in leaders who DISPASSIONATELY get the job done. GWB's calm demeanor on ALL public pronouncements soothes the viewer and impresses our nation with his capabilities.

In contrast, Dean's screaming, arm-waving shirtsleeved presentations impress no one but the wild-eyed youth that initially brought him to the fore. His many factual errors and lack of knowledge about world affairs confirm the idea in most Americans, of EITHER PARTY, that he is nothing but mouth and lungs, with no evidence of an attached brain.

That's your anatomy lesson for today, DOCTOR Dean.

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