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February 20, 2004



I think that it is a slap in the face to all of the immigrants who have come to this country and have gone through the process of becoming citizens. I too will contact my elected officials and let them know my opinions.


And observant citizens should also be following what is happening in Holland, where the Parliament just voted to eject, en masse, all illegal aliens that have used up all their appeals to extend their stays. That's 26,000 of them, not a huge number, and probably not all the illegals in the small nation. IT IS, HOWEVER, A HUGE STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.

We have to get serious and begin to actually challenge the nationality of persons in this country. I carry two different picture ID's that prove I am a citizen, and could also carry my passport. I would not mind being asked to prove my identity or my citizenship, but if we can't take that first step of requiring proof of citizenship, no immigration-control program will ever work.

The ACLU, curiously aided by die-hard right-wing individualists, has been able to defeat national ID proposals every time they have even been suggested, but logic tells us that we can't challenge the citizenship of persons by their looks alone. If we could, we could chuck JF Kerry out as a probable French mental-ward escapee.

Daniel Day

In order to get a green card for my wife, we spent $300 to fly down to Tokyo, another $200 plus for expenses in Tokyo, $100 plus for proof of assets, and I forget how much for the process itself. And there are not dozens, not thousands, but MILLIONS of ignorant fools in this country who think illegals should be rewarded with documentation for waltzing across the border. Do I sound pissed off? Good.
Thanks for letting me sound off Jim.


I disagree with President Bush on several issues -this is but one. When November comes, I will, as always, vote for the candidate who represents MOST of my views. I'm not blind to Bush's inadequacies, but neither can I buy Kerry's. But sure thing it won't be a vote cast for Ralph Nader! May be a good time to take a cruise!

Dana Matthies


Your blog reminded me of an incident that occurred when I first moved to Florida. Keep in mind that I moved from suburbia to B.F.E. where I encountered more minorities in one day than I had in an entire year.

I was in the grocery store, trying to make my way through some heavily populated aisles. I asked a man to excuse me while I passed by. I asked several times, and the man turned to me and YELLED, "You don't speak Spanish?! Why don't you ask in Spanish?" As he moved aside, he mumbled something about Americans. EXCUSE ME? WHAT FRIGGIN COUNTRY ARE YOU IN? OUR NATIONAL LANGUAGE IS ENGLISH, JUST IN CASE YOU MISSED THE BOAT, BUDDY!

Oh, yes...and yet another incident I wish to share. I was at the post office the other day...and a man with very broken english made a huge scene about some lost mail. As he walked out of the post office, he waved his arms and shouted, "Damn America Post Office. All you Americans! America is a bad, bad country."

I live across the street from a Cuban family that has 14 people living in a two-bedroom apartment. And I wonder...are they legal? I worked in restaurants for years...and most of our cooks and bus boys were illegals. Hmm...I am starting to see a trend here.

Enough is enough. Come on Bush, get a clue, please. Americans are becoming a minority...in our own country.


Think about it -- Bush has proved he is a fairly clever man.

The changes he proposes to immigration do all the things that you have listed.

And one more thing.

It opens a window for a great many people who are unregistered and untracked to come forward and be registered and tracked.

The pool of illegal, unregistered aliens decreases sharply, because anyone who has snuck in with a legitimate intent (like working) will be registered. Anyone without a legitimate intent (like, for instance, TERRORISTS) will not be registered.

It reduces the pool of suspects, and makes keeping track of these people just a little easier.

And that is probably the W's intent . . . like I said, he has proved he is clever.

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