There are blogs, and then there are blogs! There are rants, and there are RANTS!
This blog, and this rant, are among the best of the best. Wear safety glasses to read this may scorch your eyes.
From DebbieJ of DGCI.
I'm not a scholar, or orator. I am just an ordinary person, so don't expect me to be quoting snotty authors or writing 8 letter words to get my point across.I'm pissed.
I'm fed up with all the jello-spined, snotty, power hungry, more taxes, less freedom, less military, less security, anti-Democracy, Pro-communist, Pro-Affirmative Action, Anti-Get off your ass and live your own life, Pro-Welfare, Anti-Get off your ass and get a job, French/German/UN ass kissing, terrorist ass kissing, "Let's drag this country into the sewer", "9/11 needs to be forgotten", "Bush lied", "Bush is Hitler", "Bush is evil", bottom feeding, scum sucking, FREAKING LIBERAL MORONS!!!!!!!!
That, my freinds, is how it is done!
I highy recommend you give 'em a visit over there, and do kindly extend the kindness of leaving your comments, as well.
The whole DGCI site is well worth your valuable time. In fact, I'd strongly suggest you spend an hour or five digging through their archives. I don't know how I'll find any more time to add a daily read to my list, but I'm gonna squeeze 'em in, starting today.
I doubt anyone could say it better with eight letter words!
Posted by: Yellowlegs | February 18, 2004 at 12:53 PM
I was there earlier, and, yes, that is DEFINITELY the way it is done! Quite linkworthy.
Posted by: Key | February 18, 2004 at 05:49 PM
Thank you Jim for fishing this out of the surf for us to enjoy. Read it last night and again this morning.
Eyeing the laundry list of ills against the Democrats made me think of something. The Students for a Democratic Society. For the youngun's out there==the SDS was a radical group of socilists/communists that was happily nurtured (festered?) in bastions of "higher learning" across the land in the 60's.
They wanted radical social engineering, which is the ultiamte goal of Communism. Fortget that decent wage for workers crap.
The current Democratic Party is the SDS all growed up, driving a Grand Marquis and joining AARP. I am not alone in seeing this similarity, and it certainly explains much of the extremes and excesses of the Jackass Party. They realized if they cut their pony tails, put on a suit, hid the bongs, and the agenda, they could most certainly change the system from within. Like any cancer.
So when you see Kerry, Dean, et al, just remind yourself that they are the current crop of Useful Idiots. Dangerous idiots to be sure.
They do more than give me indigestion. Or piss me off. They make me start reaching, just to be sure they are there, for firearms....
Posted by: Valerie | February 19, 2004 at 05:33 AM