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February 23, 2004



GATES rocks!Butlinux rules!

This is posted in poor humor.


And Acidman's comment that Jim quoted hits too close to home. I failed to expose my youngest kid to the horrors of the PC world. I failed to teach her how to defend her culture. I lost her, personally and to the devil-culture that is Liberalism. I'm going to blog about it when the hurt subsides a bit.


Just to clarify, Microsoft didn't delete the entire font... they just replaced 3 characters inside the Bookshelf Symbol 7 font: two versions of the swastika and one Star of David. They did this by putting out a Critical Update at the Windows Update site; when your OS prompted you to download updates (or when it did it by itself, if you have WinXP) those characters were replaced with little black squares.

El Capitan

Damn, wish I had the technical chops to be able to design fonts and do the coding voodoo to make 'em work under the different operating system platforms. I'd drag out a bunch of different designs of swastikas and Star of Davids, call the whole thing "Jews & Nazis" and publish.

We're seeing the early signs of the shit the Bolsheviks pulled in the USSR way back when. If some fact of history ran counter to their doctrine (translate that into today's Political Correctness) it would quietly disappear. Never existed. Nope, your memory's mistaken, comrade. Please accompany me to the Re-Education Camp so we can get you squared away!

As much as I dislike seeing swastikas, they ARE part of cultures other than Hitler's 3rd Reich. Just because that shitheel used them as a symbol of hate & fear is no reason to try and erase them from history.

Microsoft erasing the Star of David was just idiotic. I just wish I'd been a fly on the wall in that committee meeting to hear the justification for that one. I really doubt it was anti-Semitism, just more PC buffoonery.

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