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February 23, 2004



Send me your resume!! And to the correct email address.

Emperor Misha I

Best of luck, Jim, I'll put in a word with the Guy Upstairs for you!

Ms Anna

I think the Lord is watching out for you. You did need a change, and it's waiting for you.


Good for you!

(Ever considered the wonderful world of real estate sales?)


Good luck and keep the faith.


Hang in there man....It WILL turn out to be a good thing.


Screw faith. I may have to go back to work to keep my Cracker ass out of jail, just so that I can pay child-support to my ex-wife. I wish I could resign from the shit I'm in.

Just smoke a cigar and have a scotch. Life has a way of taking care of such problems, if you don't become too active in the proces.


Ya quit a job where they were screwing you out of your commissions and sabatoging your private life? Where was the downside to that again? (Oh, right, keeping sufficient funds for ammo, cigars, and kitty kibble.)

Hey, did that guy have competitors? I'm just sayin' that they'd probably like to have you working for them!


Provision the boat, cast off her docklines and sail away for a few days. You need the peace, then you can come back and blog and post resumes.

If you don't trust yourself to sail solo after the head-trashing you took, call me, I have air miles out the gazoo and I'll crew your boat while you relax. I'll bring a small duffel and a large Maker's Mark.


Well done, good sir! You are a stronger man than I.


That was not where you should be. When you first posted about their financial "re-arrangements" that was a clear cue to leave.

Riverdog is right. A change in view for a day or two. Not to look back, don't waste one second on thinking on that place and those vile people. But use the time to look forward and to plan.

At times like these, it is really nice to have a cat.

dragonfly jenny

Ew, sounds like that situation had gone way sour. Accordingly, I can only say congratulations on quitting. (Boss's wife messing with your PERSONAL life? EWWWWWWW! WTF?!?) You'll find something better in no time.


Yep, Jenny, I might just have to get my moldy Oregon ass down to Texas to the next blogboom to hear about the "Boss's Wife" firsthand. I have always fancied writing a romance novel....BWWWAAAAAAHAHAHAHA!

Denita TwoDragons

Hey Jim, hang in there--I've discovered that if you got faith, things generally DO tend to turn out OK.

Everyone above is right--cast the lines off and take a cruise for a while. You'll feel much better after smelling a fresh sea breeze. After the crap you put up with you EARNED it, compadre!

I'll keep you in my prayers, Jim. Good luck!



By golly, Rivrdawg, you let me know when you get that ro-mance novel done, y'hear? I reckon I'll have to (briefly) set aside my life-long addiction to murder mysteries to peruse that puppy.

You s'pose maybe you could slip in a couple of star-crossed lovers done in under mysterious circumstances for me?

Kim du Toit

Maybe it got lost in the mail, but I haven't seen yer resume yet, Cigar Man.

Send it immediately.

I'll pass it one where I can -- I just wish I could offer you something myself.

Daniel Day

Hang in there, Jim. I will remember you in my prayers.


Good luck, Jim.

It sounded like things had gone bad there, anyway, with the commission-only-by-the-way-keep-doing-the-management-stuff-too-for-nothing-extra.

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