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February 29, 2004


Dana Matthies

I am glad that I am not the only anal-retentive person out there. However, with four cats, a dog, and a husband...my apartment is never sterile. Clean yes, but I wouldn't dare eat off the floors. (My dog steps in the grass...the same grass every other dog has relieved themselves in...and then she steps on the floor). I have learned to relax...I don't vacuum everyday like I used to, nor do I bruise my knees cleaning the crevices weekly...but my home is clean and comfy. I think I'd like yours rather well, too. And, after reading your entire drill-sergeant-like cleaning guide, I am rather exhausted...so I will leave my last pile of laundry sitting on my recently vacuumed floor until tomorrow.


No Thanks!!! Been there. If I lived in the neighborhood, I'd show up with some cold beverages and give you a hand.

On the outside: If I had a penny for every sandpaper circular motion I've put on a hull in hopes of gaining a quarter knot - I'd be a rich man.

You ever need a monkey to hang on the foredeck - let me know. I started in the sewer, so I'm not proud - I just like sailing!!!


I belong to the school of cleaning that believes that you need to be exposed to a lot of bacterial life in order to build up your immune system.

I would have thought that my immune system would be up for about everything by now, but looks like it needs new challenges, and so it has turned on me. Maybe I need to stress it a little harder.

mostly cajun

Shame on you! Now I'm going tohave to do this to my boat! Hopefully next weekend, assuming the weather is good and I am not too distraught with my scores at the Saturday 600-yard rifle match in Beaumont. Actually I have list of things, including spring cleaning, installing a freshwater cooling system and replacing the cabintop handrails.

But good on ya, bud, for tackling the task...

See you around.

Denita TwoDragons

Dang, if I can get even HALF the chores on my list taken care of, I'm doing GREAT!

I'm more along SwampWoman's line of cleanliness--though I'm not nearly as bad as I USED to be, now that I have my son to consider. I tend to wash the dishes once every couple days, or more often if they pile up faster. I carpet sweep every other day, but I don't vacuum. Eric does that, as well as the dusting, because my asthma gets too bad. About twice a year we do major housecleaning, but NOTHING close to the level that you do. Though if I ever came down that'a'way, I'd gladly help you clean! :-)

Someday when I have my own house, I'm going to have wood floors so I don't have to worry about dealing with carpeting. I much prefer rugs I can take outside and rinse off!


Becky Mason

You gave me a flash back. My dad had a 38 foot Newport. I helped him clean it a time or too. I just wish he was ten years younger so he could still sail. We had many fun trips. Enjoy your sea legs while your able.



Now I have a case of the guilties!


I hope you saved behind the stove for me. I get to keep all the money I find.


I like looking at acres of brightwork. Oiled teak or varnished oak, cherry, or mahogany.

And, fortunately, a subscription to Wooden Boat is cheap.

Ms Anna

Congratulations, Jim. You've won the only worthy award that I know of, My Mother's Way of Doing Things (read cleaning). Now that she's 79, and I'm only 54, I can just about keep up with her. And yes, I learned to do things the way my mother does them. Thank the Lord for my mother!

As usual, you're post is helpful. I immediately wondered what brass wool was. I came to the comments to ask, but finished reading, first. Thank you, for that tip about brass wool for my stainless steel kitchen sink! I've learned my something for the day.

Now one for you and your readers. Ask you handy family dentist for a set of used, ready-to-throw-away dental tools. They are available for a price, brand new in craft catalogues, I know, but why pay when all that's wrong with the freebies is a little worn surface plating? Not only do I use these tools for craft projects, but also they are perfect for detail cleaning.

Yes, Jim, with a set of dentist tools, you can not only split the tape on sealed boxes, but you can get into every nook and cranny of your computer keyboard, pop the key-tops and get some really deep cleaning that the vacuum misses. I do wrap the tiny tips in pieces of cotton balls, but they are so tiny that they reach really tiny corners.

Now, Jim, get those freebies and start cleaning, again in those cracks and crevices you missed!


Hell, this took you only one day?I'm wanting to buy a steel or aluminum hull at LEAST 44ft lwl.I might just decide on fiberglass instead (w/ no teak).


Getting stir crazy, are we?!?

Off the subject, but Hubby is loving the cigar catelogue...I'm sure he'll be placing an order soon.

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