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February 03, 2004



Yep, the Doc has it cut to the bone. BUT, you slipped, my friend. On the showcasing of Houston. You have a mayor there I believe, and his name is Lee P. Brown. If you did an in-depth study of Lee P's sojourns at various cities across this nation, you would not find history of good leadership in any of them. Any effort to "showcase" Houston was doomed from the start with this guy.

In case you're wondering, yes, I did work for him, back in the 70's when he was Sheriff of Multnomah County in Portland, OR. I have an anecdote on him to illustrate my bias, but it's almost personal, so I won't publish it here.


Well, Rivrdog, Ol' Lee (period) P (period) Brown was acutally out of office for three of four weeks immediately preceeding the Bowl.

That aside, not a bit of that bint's stunt was his fault. All in all, Houston did a great job of hosting the game. Even though I'm with you on utterly disparaging that useless utopian sack of flabby flesh, Houston did itself proud last Sunday.

But I'm thankful for mayoral term-limits. I really, really am.

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX


The people who hate Bush today supported Gore in 2000. Some people are just plain crazy.

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