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February 12, 2004



Huh. Breaking news, indeed. I think that was the cover story on The National Enquirer the last time I was at the grocery store. (No, I didn't read it, so I guess I'll just have to read the breaking news like everybody else!)


How weird -- when I was insisting to The Husband that Kerry needed to shut up about his Vietnam service unless he was willing to discuss his anti-war activism (Husband says Kerry is allowed to change his mind), I said it was like Clinton with the sex scandal -- same stonewalling technique, same refusal to admit it existed.



I wonder if the Ketchup Queen will take the infidelity as easily as Hillary? He might have to look for a higher-paying job if he's gotta actually pay that $6,000,000 loan back all by himself.

I mean the "alleged infidelity" of course.


Stock up on Phenergan ASAP! It's going to be a long, hot summer.

Kim du Toit

Nahhhh... Democrat voters don't care if their candidate has screwed goats before. They only care whether he supports high taxes, gun control, increased welfare, and the rest of their horrible mantra.


Kim...*gasp*.... do you want PETA on your case for insulting goats?

I mean... Kerry....

.....some things, even goats won't do! Hey, wait a minute *idea* Can we hunt PETArds over goat-baited fields?


That said, welcome aboard, sir.

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX

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