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February 01, 2004



What eventually happened with Troll Ralphie, at GutRumbles, and the bet regarding police behavior? Did he ever take you up on it, or did he simply vanish into the night?


Have a peak at Amish Tech Support. Email me if you need the link, I cannot seem to locate it now.

Totsie Tortilla

Can't help noticing that USNewsLink isn't on the list!


You might give jcrue over at
a look. He's pretty good and fairly new. Good stuff here by the way.

Light & Dark


To get the sidebar item spacing to tighten up, you need to go into the |style| section of the |design| tab on your weblog page. Scroll down to find |sidebar items| and click on 'edit this element'.

In the next window, go down to |sidebar items| and look at the last item in that section. It's for |line spacing| and you probably want it set to 'tight' (No smart-assed cracks now!)

Once you've made the change, click 'save changes' at the bottom of that page, close the popup window, then click 'save changes' at the bottom of the |edit style| page as well.

Hopefully that'll stick. (I've occasionally had problems with it remembering the setting.) If it doesn't stick, or you have any other questions, pop me off an email.

Oh, and welcome to the job search club.


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