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February 16, 2004



It's the cats. I'd put money on it (if I was a betting person). Cats do all sorts of evil. At least that's what my dogs tell me. :-)

Emperor Misha I

They're Evil, EEEEEVIL I tell you!

Sorry to hear about the mess, Jim, and I hope that it isn't quite as bad as it sounds.


Cap'n Rivrdog here, the Nattering Nabob of Nautical Nuttiness.

According to NOAA's Tides Online at http://tidesonline.nos.noaa.gov/geographic.html

you had a minus tide of about -1.95 feet yesterday at about 0500 (Freeport tide datum). Around here, that would put a buncha sailboats on their beam-ends (power trawlers too, and my boat would have muddied it's props, a FUBAR similar to shitting in one's messkit).

Should be easy to check out: go around to some of the other sailboats and see if they suffered like damages, and talk to anyone who might have been there.

My guess though, is wake damage. Some dumbass stinkpotter probably rolled a 5-foot wake into New Dawn. It IS curious that only the gewgaws on one side of your ship fell down, though, that is evidence of a heeling. Were the gewgaws on the opposite side all bunched up next to the hull?

You need to do a few safety checks. Check for evidence of your dock lines having been overstressed, as well as the deck hardware they are attached to. Check the fenders and fender whips to see if there is any evidence of huge pulls on them, and lastly check the hull for damage from contacting the dock. Oh, don't forget to pull your bilge hatch and eyeball the keel bolts to make sure they are undamaged, too.

I am a state-certified (OR) boat accident reconstructionist, so if you have damage, and can't convince your ins. co that it was caused by this phenomena, then give me a shout and I may just have to fly down there and investigate and write it up for you.


Oh, people, people it wasn't the cats! Not nearly enough destruction. And he made no mention of cat barf. Which there would have been from them feasting on the fruits of their labor.

dragonfly jenny

Oh man, so sorry to hear about this! Hope there's no serious damage.


Wow. Your home at a 45 degree angle huh?

(I didn't get half the nautical jargon in your most recent post, but I got that...)

I'm willing to bet that your cats were bouncing on any object that would hold still and screeching to the top of their lungs.

Denita TwoDragons

DAMN, Jim! I tear myself away from the keyboard for a few days and all hell breaks out across the Blogosphere!

I'm sorry to hear the New Dawn decided to take a little lean, but I'm glad that the vessel is only messy on the inside and not in worse shape!


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