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February 11, 2004


dragonfly jenny


Rainin here too. Been rainin for days. Think it's supposed to stop tomorrow sometime.


Yeah, I actually scheduled myself a day off today 2 months ago. Dammit, I should've known it would be raining all day. Instead of lazing around at the beach, guess I'll clean the place up instead. Let's see.....industrial size garbage bags? Check. Industrial leaf blower? Check. Hmmmmm. Kerosene? Check. Matches? Check. Oh, right. Damn rain.


Think you can float your mini-ark inland a couple of hours and rescue us? (We're near Austin) Our backyard is flooded (again). My dogs look at me funny everytime they have to go out (Ummm... you got a lifejacket we can borrow? Please?)

We moved to Texas 7 years ago, and I was warned (just after we moved during an icestorm that NEVER happens in Central Texas) that it's a very dry climate, and we will always be in drought conditions. Imagine my surprise when it rained for something like 50 of 60 days during that spring. I swear I was trying to find blueprints for an ark.


Hmmm. What's it like?

Is it the chill piercing every pore, damp, nasty air rain, or is it the warm and cozy, cuddle inside while listening to the pings of rainrops outside rain?

There's a difference, you know. ; )


Hmmmmm. Well, Key, since I'm in Florida, I'm not sure that a lot of people would share my opinion of the horrid cold rain and 50 degree temps, but it is brutal here (shivering delicately).


Beth, just remember this in August. That's when the trees will be bribing dogs for some water.

Ms. Key, in that I'm unhappily behind my desk, the reply to your query is *sigh*, the former.

Were I at home aboard ship with some snuggleworthy company, the later indeed would be a more apt description.

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Da Goddess

You know what I miss about my former boyfriend who lived on a boat? The boat. Okay. I mean, I miss the great rocking sensation of the boat as we curled up under the covers, rain beating down on the deck above us.


Memories can be powerful things.

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