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February 05, 2004



Very nice, Jim.

And now I don't want to go to work, either . . .

Bob Baird

Jim --

That was me last week. It's warmed up here in the Land of Mickey. I went to work last week and I went to work today... but I still am with you. My master plan is to win the lottery then retire in style. There's only one hitch.....



Wow...that was a beautiful picture.

I'm hating that you had to leave it, myself... ; )


Haul the New Dawn and have a keel cooler put in. It's one less thing to break down there in the engine space, and you only have ONE engine!

But, keep up the nautical prose. That, sir is art.


that story gets me wet. thanks.


Heh. Welcome to my blogroll. Me and the missus (www.jeanninemnelson.com) have been looking into a liveaboard for a while, but my darn checkbook is even more whiny.

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