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March 13, 2004



Wow, Dr.Pepper...I thought it was the salt air.I'm glad you didn't make your cat walk the plank.


oh sure blame it on the pu**y tat

Glad to hear you are getting along


LMAO...Dr Pepper?????


Well, as I used to tell my husband, "You obviously expect the cat to be smarter than you are!" (assuming it wasn't the cat who left the can by the computer!)

He didn't think it was funny either!!!


In space...
The cat can't hear you open the can.


In space...
The cat can't hear you open the can.

Da Goddess

hmmm...pussy and Dr Pepper. Mutual interests.

Good luck!

Val Prieto

What got ruined Jim, the base or the screen?


Did you try disassembling it, and washing the keyboard, etc.? Usually once the boards have been washed -- no soap, just plain, running water -- and dried for a minimum of 2 days before reassembly, most machines will come back to life. I worked on one a few weeks ago -- the hard drive had to be replaced, but it did eventually breathe again.

Light & Dark

Hmmm... sounds like the Dr. Pepper and the laptop mixed only too well!?

**Ooooh... look at the pretty sparks!**

That really sucks though, boss. But as Anne says, don't just toss it. An attempt at rehab might well be worth it. If it's destined for the dustbin anyway, there's not much to lose.

At the very least, you can salvage some spare parts, like memory, maybe the hard drive, and perhaps even the CD drive?

Looking forward to seeing you back soon. Hope the new gig's going really well.


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