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March 30, 2004



You know I don't comment often, and you also know why.

Life is ALWAYS throwing us curves. We always make it through. Things WILL get better.

You're in my prayers, as well as your dad and step mom.



Hope your Dad is better and recovers quickly,and your step Mom gets through this as well,Jim,she will pull from your strength,and I know you have it in you.
Take care and check 6
From Deep in East Texas


Tell your Pappy that the Rivrdog and all the Right Whales of the Blog-ocean are pulling for him.

Re: the Modem: Call your fone co. Bellsouth or whatever, and get a service techie, and tell him/her that the modem is OK, but won't pick up the phone line. Their response will be to run you through a technical set-up of the modem, which will probably cure your problem. I'd do it with you, but I've only done it once myself, and am not wizard-rated on that.

Unless that fire was provably set by Al-Q, it's very bad news for Bush.

I'm sure we'll be reminded about the Amoco plant fire in the economic news tomorrow when the word triggers a 25 cent/gallon increase in gasoline futures, and we'll be paying that at the pump within days even though Amoco sells no fuel here in the Northwest.

Red. Curtain. Descending. Must. Dissolve. It. With. Scotch.


John Two-Hawks thinks the unfortunate things of this first quarter of the new year may be due to the "buffalo calving moon." Bad luck does seem to be ubiquitous lately among bloggers tho, doesn't it?


Damn, Jim...it's tough commenting on this.

I'm in the same boat (without the cat--dad hates 'em).


Incoming prayers.


Praying for your dad and step-mom and you.
Take care.


Jim, I'm very sorry to hear about yoru father. I can sympathize because I was told yesterday that my father has been diagnosed with bladder cancer. Life is piling it on for me, too, because I'm right in the middle of moving to France for a 3 year expatriate assignment.

dragonfly jenny

Sending prayers your way.

Light & Dark


I'm praying really hard your dad continues to improve. Strength to all of you.

My offer of tech help still stands. Let me know if there's anything I can try to help with.

Da Goddess

Prayers and good thoughts!

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