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April 07, 2004


dragonfly jenny

As a fellow microdweller-livin'-large, I have one word for you: LAPTOP. I would not even consider having a full-size computer in my place. Yeah, laptops are expensive, but it's a business expense, and for me the space savings is well worth it.

dragonfly jenny

As a fellow microdweller-livin'-large, I have one word for you: LAPTOP. I would not even consider having a full-size computer in my place. Yeah, laptops are expensive, but it's a business expense, and for me the space savings is well worth it.

Not that you were soliciting advice or anything. D'oh! Just couldn't resist putting in my two cents there. ;)


"One thing I'll vow with my very blood. John Fucking Kerry must not be allowed anywhere near the reins of power in this republic. Ever"
AMEN Brother! AMEN!


You are absolutely correct -- John Kerry (rhymes with "Scary") should not be allowed near any position of power EVER.

Any word from the shop on the laptop?


Yeah, get your ass back in the game!

...because I am SO one to talk. I've chosen abstract topics lately and haven't bashed on Kerry in several days, but, hey, it definitely needs to be done. ; )


His initials are JFK. He'll get shot. Your really gonna be voting for his running mate.

Ted Nugent.


Put up a tipjar. Dedicate it to the purchase of a laptop. Swear on your Bowditch's that you won't use any of the $$$ for Whisky or Trollops and watch the $$$ roll in.

Hell, I might shoot you a nickel (if I have any left after the commissioning expense of my new boat).


Good to see you back and posting, Jim. We all missed you.

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