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April 27, 2004



A song whose lyrics have been long overdue.
We now need a composer to put them to music.
How? You might ask.
Answer: You have already given it, I simply
want to emphasize, bring it to the fore, if
I might.
The dumbocrats have their minds made up, like
"quickcrete" I might add, so ignore them.
GET THE UNDECIDED to understand in no uncertain
terms that there is only one choice, if they
want to continue in freedom {relatively speaking}. VOTE...VOTE...VOTE and vote
Do I think the Republican ticket is the "answer"?
I do not, BUT is is head and shoulders above
anything the "demos" have submitted in years.
The choice is clear, but not clear to the voters
that are UNDECIDED! Help them...Help them, or
it will be too late.



I feel compelled to add this.
The "music" composition will not
be complete until November, HOWEVER,
one can really learn to "Harmonize"
effectively between now and then.
RepubliCAN sounds much better than
demoCRASTIONATION. Think about it!


I feel compelled to add this.
The "music" composition will not
be complete until November, HOWEVER,
one can really learn to "Harmonize"
effectively between now and then.
RepubliCAN sounds much better than
demoCRASTIONATION. Think about it!

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