No, Federal Express and United Parcel Service have not joined in a corporate merger.
That's not the kind of Fed Up to which I refer.
Frankly, I wish it were.
No, I'm talking about the body politic. Or, rather, the corpus politic, if you will.
And I'm not mourning the fact, although in the long run, I shall. Instead, I'm awaiting the results of the present de-evolution of the two-party system which, has survived, much in it's present form, since the days of Lincoln.
Spare me the reference to Teddy's failed "Bull Moose" effort, which gave us Woodrow Wilson and World War One. The fact of the matter is that we've been at nonstop war for over one hundred and fifty years, and there's no end in sight.
Marx and Engells fired the first volleys against the soul of man in the modern era.
Forget for a moment the labels of Communist, Socialist, Proletariat and, those terms have become so misused and cliched as to be basically useless. In fact, forget the terms of Democrat and Repubican, for those are just as corrupted conceptually as are Czars, Khans, Emporers (sorry, Misha!) and every other various Poohbah and Big Kahuna.
But the war of the soul that was sparked by the progenitors of Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot and Castro rages all the same.
And the stakes are higher than ever.
"How is that?", you say....with the fall of the Iron Curtain, the collapse of the Soviet Empire, Capitalism in China and all those other developments?
My reply is so simple, and the answer is right before your incredulous eyes.
The war is no longer in Russia. It's over in Eastern Europe, although sadly, Western Europe seem to have captiulated to the dark forces of evil.
China and Vietnam have read their Lenin, and are busily selling us the rope with which to hang ourselves.
Their allies?
ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, The New York Times, USA Today, and damned near every other news source I can name.
Their armies?
The willing victims, the Useful Fools, the unthinking 40% of the population of the United States of America who unfailingly vote democrat, regardless of the issue, the candidate or their record.
And without regard to the outcome.
Their leaders are the fringe. The democratic underground freaks, the move-on dot org crowd, who make insanity a desirable state of mind, in comparison to their hate-filled, addled rants.
"Cut off the head, and the snake will die!", you say? Perhaps, but the head is but a tiny part of that zombified forty percent. A dangerous part, but in reality, not as dangerous as the tens of millions of mind-numbed, die-hard, reflexive democrat voters in the polling booth.
You know them. They're your friends, neighbors and co-workers. They're not intristically evil people, but they do evil in that booth!
There is no other way to say it.
I work with them. Otherwise good people, who think that the Clinton years were the "good old days". Hard working, productive people who willfully deny that the economy is in recovery in every respect.
They believe, point by point, that "Bush Knew!", and that we're in Iraq for the oil. They believe that Vietnam is now!, and basically, in every other talking point that Carville and McAullife spew forth on Sundays on the talking-head shows.
I fear these people more than I do Hillary.
She, Kerry, Slick Willie and Gore are but harmless dupes, save for the Stepford Democrats in the voting booths.
And they have no concept of the fact, that with every pull of the voting lever, they're firing a round of ammunition from the arsenal of Marx, Engalls, Lenin, Trotsky, Mao and Castro.
Their target, unbeknownst to them, is the very heart of what America is.
Life. Liberty. The Pursuit of Happiness.
They've drawn blood, and have done so steadily since the advent of Russian Communisim, and the revolution of 1917.
The fact of our National survival is testimony to the greatness of our Founders, and the rightness of their accomplishements.
But I fear now, as I've never feared in my forty and six years, for the soul of our Nation.
I am fed up.
This then, is war!, I tell you!
A war in the polls to be sure, and a war which we absolutely must win.
I, for one, am glad that the Donks have finally polarized themselves to the point of absurdity. That the so-called "press" has so completely and obviously aligned themselves with the democrat party, as to render themselves hors-de-combat in the war of ideas.
I'm glad that my enemies are showing themselves under their camoflauge, and exposing themselves for the enemies that they really are.
They make for a Target Rich Environment.
My battle plan is simple.
Vote for every Republican over every Democrat until such time as we've purged our elected assemblies of enough Democrats so as to reduce them to political irrelevance.
Then, vote for every Conservative over every Repubican In Name Only, until the RINOs too, are purged from the halls of power.
Just as the great Generals of the War between the States personally raised armies to the cause, I'm sending forth the same call to each of you.
Join me on the front lines. Vote accordingly.
Don't bother trying to convert your democrat friends. If they cannot or will not "see the light" on their own, I count them as lost causes.
Rather, inspire your other friends to vote. They're Republican already? Get 'em to vote Conservative!
Undecideds? Your job is to convince them! Not just superfically, but at the level of their personal conviction.
You must fill you car with voters, and take them to the polls, this November.
This, my friends, is our new Civil War, and the stakes are just as high, if not higher.
The polls are your Falluja.
Fight and win, or die fighting.
But never, ever surrender.
A song whose lyrics have been long overdue.
We now need a composer to put them to music.
How? You might ask.
Answer: You have already given it, I simply
want to emphasize, bring it to the fore, if
I might.
The dumbocrats have their minds made up, like
"quickcrete" I might add, so ignore them.
GET THE UNDECIDED to understand in no uncertain
terms that there is only one choice, if they
want to continue in freedom {relatively speaking}. VOTE...VOTE...VOTE and vote
Do I think the Republican ticket is the "answer"?
I do not, BUT is is head and shoulders above
anything the "demos" have submitted in years.
The choice is clear, but not clear to the voters
that are UNDECIDED! Help them...Help them, or
it will be too late.
Posted by: H&DS | April 28, 2004 at 04:58 PM
I feel compelled to add this.
The "music" composition will not
be complete until November, HOWEVER,
one can really learn to "Harmonize"
effectively between now and then.
RepubliCAN sounds much better than
demoCRASTIONATION. Think about it!
Posted by: H&DS | April 28, 2004 at 05:14 PM
I feel compelled to add this.
The "music" composition will not
be complete until November, HOWEVER,
one can really learn to "Harmonize"
effectively between now and then.
RepubliCAN sounds much better than
demoCRASTIONATION. Think about it!
Posted by: H&DS | April 28, 2004 at 05:15 PM