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April 16, 2004


Gerard Van der Leun

Hey, thanks for the link. I appreciate it.


Excellent link -- the sad thing is that he is absolutely right.

Walter Wallis

And don't forget his Band-Aid Purple Hearts.
Go to his public meetings and demand he release his medical records.Make him wish they had never attacked National Guard service.

Denita TwoDragons

Gerard, I know of what you speak. I'm a recent convert myself. For me, it was the casually callous way that people who I thought were 'compassionate' treated the dead of 9-11 that started me in a different direction. Now I look back and I've found that a lot of the political tenets I believed deeply in don't make any sense, or have such glaringly-obvious gaps in them that they shouldn't even exist.

It's tough to remake yourself, but you'll grow stronger.

Even if you don't suddenly decide to become a Conservative or Republican, you're certainly doing yourself a huge favor by evaluating and revising your beliefs. I wish more people would do that, but too damn many just blindly follow the party line, without question of criticism. Maybe you'll be the model that some will follow!



I had to take a nap before commenting on this.A long one.

Some people have a knack for bringing thier insights to fruition through art, writing and/or acting.This link was a shining example of writing at its finest.Have you ever laughed while you cried?Sometimes Trailer Park Girl riles my emotions in the same way - insight is priceless when worded artfuly(and correctly).

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