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April 04, 2004



That's not a floor, that's a deck, Sailor, and you'd better take a bucket to the foc'sle with you. When the Bosun blows Sweepers at oh-dark-thirty it'll go a lot easier on you if you've hit that bucket, Swabbie.

Disgusting waste of good bourbon.

Good bourbon belongs in the wardroom; cheap rum is the drink of the tween-decks crew. Next time you take six splices in the mainbrace, do it with ship's rum, not the Captain's good bourbon.

What's that you say, you ARE the Captain? Well, at least that'll keep you out of the brig for draining the Captain's bourbon, but you better take some of that pay and get yourself an honest two-footed First Mate who can take better care of the ship and the Cap'n.

(grumpy old salt mutters as he stumps off up the dock)

Pedro the Ignorant

Must be something in the water.
Every blog I've visited tonight has been posting drunken stuff.

Just as well I'm in the same boat, or I could never read it all.

Stay upright, skipper.


favorite song for the "after morning sheetskas?" Kristopherson.....

"well, I woke up Sunday morning with no way to hold my head that didn't hurt.
and the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad----so I had one more for dessert.
and I fumbled through my closet for my clothes and found my cleanest dirty shirt.
and I washed my face, combed my hair, stumbled down the stairs to meet the DAY!"

Drinking is like a muscle,Jim. You gots to exercise it often if ya wants it to work when ya needs it!

btw....I read somewhere that MicroSoft/Compaq/Toshiba/HP/Sony/(et al) has for years been sub-contracting their work to BIC, you know, the giant disposable lighter and pen company. Apparently I bought 2 of'em.


I was too drunk to comment last night.
Rivrdog, your comment shames me:)

Bob Baird

Jim -

It's windy and cold here. One of those nights when the wind makes the lines and masts clank and jingle and everybody is buttoned up tight.

A tot of Pussers Rum in a cup of hot coffee sounds better than Makers Mark.... this time.

Hope you can hold your head with both hands in the morning.



Good to see you cutting loose . . . I'm on a Black Label Jim Beam roll, myself. Not bad. But out of scotch. :( Bad.

And Windows 2000 isn't too bad, if you have to pick Windows flavors. It'll be fun . . .


lol-Jim...Next time we talk make sure that you're in one of these moods, 'kay?

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