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April 22, 2004



Many thanks to you for bringing this to our attention. Needed to read this. Helped a lot. After seeing the post over at Little Green Footballs on some inane nonsense in England. How an activist group Suffolk 4 Peace has their panties in a wad over the wives at a US air base there stitching up teddy bears for Iraqi kids. The bears are made out of old uniforms found in an attic. Suffolk R Brain Dead claimed the bears were "insensitve". Compared to torture, starvation, imprisonment, and getting chucked into a mass grave, yeah, guess it is pretty insensitive. Thought my head would explode.

Reading this lady's clear thinking gives me hope all is not lost for England.


Great Find...Thanks.


She made some good points, but you're right her conclusion.Good read - thanks.


Damn, I meant to say,"...you're right about her conclusion."

Walter Wallis

Waiting until the fire reaches your own house before you cooperate with the fire fighters is neither a sign of deliberate restraint nor an indication of superior wisdom. Denying the existence of the fire or it's likely course is a convenient way to avoid paying your share. Rssponsible people have to protect your house whether you agree or not.

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