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April 05, 2004


Denita TwoDragons

Happy Birthday, Jim. Enjoy a good smoke and a glass of Maker's Mark, and visualize me hoisting my iced tea to you and wishing you many more years to come.

I have managed to make peace with most of the regrets I've had--yeah, there's a few that I'll probably never put to rest, but I figure hey, as long as I'm not insomniac with guilt or constantly watching over my shoulder, I'm doing a pretty good job with the life I was given. You should feel the same way too, m'dear! You're an honorable man with a strong sense of Right and Wrong, a heart of gold, and a level of depth most people don't achieve. Not to mention a brilliant knack for writing! :-)



Happy Birthday and this is one friend you've made and can count on.

dragonfly jenny

Happy birthday! I'm proud to be part of your blogiverse.


Every-time I read your posts I tend to look inside myself to see if I posess this depth.I do.But, I run into an emotional wall that chokes my words.You're a good read.



Happy Birthday! I enjoy your blogs very much.


Happy birthday, Jim! Now, since I'm in transit to California for a few days I need to go over to the airport bar and buy a drink to celebrate!


Happy B'day "old man" ;)
I hope your celebration was a happy one.
Have many, many more!


Happy Birthday.


Happy Birthday, Jim. I also went to a gun shop this morning, and managed to get out with only ammo. I was sorely tempted by a set of grips however... and the H&K USP's are still calling my name...

Not to ask you to work on your Birthday, but do you have any recommendations for a good but not-too-expensive set of smooth wood grips for my Model 19? There was a set by a company that starts with "K" already on a gun at the shop, he said they would run me around $80. Can you beat that sir?

Email or comment, I'm looking forward to hearing from ya... but take your time to celebrate first, it's no hurry.

A Recovering Liberal

Feliz cumpleanos, you geezer ;^)
To what mailing address can I send some home-baked goodies?

Raging Dave

Indeed! Send me an addy so that I can send you a birthday present.


Happy Birthday Jim! You got April in San Diego exactly right I stood a lot of Quarter Deck watches in weather just as you described. I would love to go back for a visit but don't want to live there again. Rey


Happy birthday

Da Goddess

Happy Belated Birthday!

Never knew we were neighbors once upon a time.

Hugs and kisses and many good wishes for you

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