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May 24, 2004


Dennis Cottingham

As you know my wife is afraid of guns and I wait with bated breath for the first time she squeezes the trigger to first her first projectile down range. I'm betting that she falls in love with shooting at that moment. And I will attest to the comments about Serenity's shooting skills. I wouldn't want to piss her off.


I WAS one of these women. I've feared guns my whole life. Now, at the age of 47, I am learning to shoot, and fear guns less, thanks to my GREAT instructor ;)

Alaska Kim

I enjoy the sport. My dad bought me a rifle when I was 13 years old. I have lots of memories of going to the shooting range and shooting at cans and targets. Most women in Alaska aren't afraid of guns. You can't be scared of them in bear country.

Jay G (a.k.a. Guy)


Could you please talk to my wife? :)


I didn't know you were a cop. Hat's off to you, even more so than usual. That's the "family biz" for me, although I strayed from it (don't have the temperment for it). It's a thankless job, one that's far too often maligned and far too seldom appreciated.


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