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May 13, 2004


A lady who looks damn good in combat boots

War is hell, and talk is cheap, especially for the trolls who slither onto other people blogs, spewing their unsolicited bullshit droppings. Time to swab the deck Jim, your place is getting a little ripe.

I'm sicken to think I have spent the past two decades in service to my country to now see it being hijacked by the "anybody but Bush" asswipes. I didn't do it for them though, my service has always been about patriotism. My favorite colors were red, white, and blue, long before it was popular and a money making industry. I always have shed a tear at the National anthem, taps, and bell ceremonies.

The actions reported on a few soldiers at Abu Grhaib doesn't bother me in the least. Soldier and sailors, work hard and play harder. That tomfoolery has been going on forever, if you are offended or appalled, you've never walked a mile in their boots, and you've never carried their load. In non-combat situations those kids are living over the edge, daily, facing dangers that never make it to a Hollywood screen. I can only imagine the intensity to which they rise in a combat theater. I still haven't forgotten the ragheads that surrendered last year, only to start their killing spree once inside a compound. Where was the moral outrage then?

The price of winning this war will not be cheap, but the price of losing it is far greater. Keep up the good blogging Jim, and don't under estimate the power of a good disinfectant.

Da Goddess

I don't even know how to begin responding to what your last visitor said, so I won't go there.

Lynndie's been caught in her own lies and now deserve to pay the price. She had every opportunity to not participate, yet she did.

Regardless of what is thought about those in the Middle East, the actions of our troops against the prisoners will cost us big time. Every bridge we've built has been burned by a few people acting in an unbecoming, inhumane manner.


Not every bridge, I think... from soldier's letters I've seen, many Iraqis want to know what the big deal is.

And Jim... it was "jackasses" in the George C. Scott movie. And Patton was actually sort of a prude so I'd bet that quote didn't come from him, but I could be totally wrong.


If my Military History serves me correctly, it was Sherman who said "A soldier that won't fuck, won't fight."

Again, I believe that Patton shot Jackasses, which is somehow appropriate.

James Old Guy

I have to agree with the Da Goddess on this one.

James Old Guy

I have to agree with the Da Goddess on this one.


People these shameless scumbags are NOT the soldiers of America.

Saturday is ARMED FORCES DAY-- hey remember when it used to be honored? but I digress. On this ARMED FORCES DAY, let us honor the OTHER 99.9% who are NOT scumbags.

Operation Enduring Support
The Lone Star supporing many

May 15 , Saturday, Flag Pole Hill, Dallas, TX
3-6 pm, flag ceremony from 5-6

Troop care packages donations will be accepted, tables to write "Thank you." letters, speakers, music.
Then at 5 American flags will be planted in a field of tribute to America's soldiers past and present.

Please, if you are in/near Dallas. Please, come out and show our DECENT troops that we are grateful for what they do.

For directions or details go to www.klif.com


Someone told me years ago not to let anyone take my picture unless I was okay with my Momma seeing it.

Which leads me to my only coherent thought on Lynndie. I wonder if her Momma is proud?


Patton a prude? See http://www.pattonhq.com/speech.html for a classic example of swearing like a trooper. The "won't f" quote does, however go back at least to Sherman, if not Julius Caesar (there is a story of him using a pickle in a moral-building talk).


I meant he was a prude when it came to sex, not that he didn't swear like a sailor (or a soldier.) That's now what prude means to me. Hell, *I'm* a prude by my standards, but I swear up a storm when I'm not controlling my language. I blame my 6 years belowdecks in the US Navy.

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