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May 28, 2004


A Recovering Liberal

I will remember them while making care packages for soldiers with Operation Gratitude on Sunday (c:


Beautifully written piece, Jim.

A true reality check, and reminder of just what is really important in these troubled times.

Thank you.


A great piece...Thanks


Well said.


I watched the live telecast of the WWII Memorial dedication today. It was touching and wonderful; however, your blog was more inspiring and beautiful. Again, thanks for sharing your matchless way of helping us BE Americans.


Fantastic post, Jim! Thank you, on behalf of my fellow vets and myself, for pointing out the sacrifices that were made. One day a year to be remembered is not that much to ask. Thank you for bringing that up prior to a day which many now just think of as the unofficial first day of summer.


Beautiful words, dear friend. I will be remembering...

Ruth H

Several years ago I traveled to Berne, Indiana on a genealogy project to photograph ancestor gravesites. What a thrill it was to see all the flags on the graves of every man who had served, from Revolutionary War on to the present time. This was in late June, I do not know when they were placed there or how long they stayed, I only know it brought tears to my eyes to see that someone was honoring their service.


Ok, trying to get over the goose-bumps you gave me after reading those words.

Remember them I shall.

I shall remember them with tears (though I knew them not) and with my children. For my children too need to know why mom has tears in her eyes when Taps are played.

My children need to know the price that was paid for our freedom. It wasn't free.

One can only lead by example, and I hope that I am teaching my children well when I bring them to events such as this.

We shall see.


Each year the Boy Scouts here in San Diego gather as the pre dawn sea layer envelopes Fort Rosecrans National Cemetary. The task is to place flags on each grave. After a brief welcoming, the Scouts are free to roam the grounds and address each grave. The turnout is emormous and the event is humbling. The best part is after the task is done, looking out upon the sight of the grounds covered in flags all snapping a lasting salute in the morning sea breeze... what a great way to start the Memorial Day weekend!


I recently spent a week in DC and visited, all too briefly, the monuments. (The new one was not yet open.) It was a very moving experience. I especially appreciated it as I have been overseas now for too long and have taken better measure, living here in Europe, of the importance of Freedom. If only Americans were taught at school how exceptional their country is! What an incredible group of visionaries our Founding Fathers were! Yes, we must be grateful to all the brave souls that were and are our soldiers. Without them, that vision would not have endured. And we must not let them down.

Bill Campenni

Living here in the Washington area I have at times been able to go by Arlington on Memorial Day weekend.

On a beautiful late spring day like yesterday from the hills of Fort Myer one can look out at the monuments and memorials of Washington and the
symbols of our government and nation, and also of the freedom and prosperity that bubbles around us - peaceful homes, traffic, ball games, church steeples - the unrestricted activities of a free people.

Then a slight turn of the head lets you glimpse a rolling sea of flag bedecked headstones that make you realize these were the artists of freedom who painted that picture.

All is well,
safely rest,
God is nigh.
Go to sleep

Bill Campenni

Emperor Misha I

Beautiful, just beautiful.

If only more people thought like that.


Thanks, Jim. Beautifully done.

I pray we never forget the service and sacrifice those in out armed forces have given us to secure the freedom and hope that we have in this great country.


Thank you.

Val Prieto

Thank you Jim.

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