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May 09, 2004



What you just had, sir, was a Blogger Blastorama! Congratulations, it sounds like it went quite well indeed. The Northwest contingent is meeting next Saturday for a very similar get-together... I'm sure well have some good reports for you.

Now we need to get these Blastoramas started in other places! Texas and Washington are great starts though.

Raging Dave

For those of your readers who are from the Pacific Northwest, Big 5 Stores have Russian Mosin Nagant rifles for sale, $75.00. Your recounting of the military rifles made me think about the ad I had seen today. 7.62 X 54R, 5-round fixed magazine, arsenal refinished.

Me want!

And congradulations on having your Blogger Blastorama!

Oran Woody

If you would, please send me a note direct so that I can attach a Bayou Rifles handout to the reply.
I will be at the HGC meeting tomorrow evening as a guest of Mat Comardo.

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