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May 15, 2004



No Jim, thank you!


Funny, I was thinking about your blog this morning, Jim, even before I turned on my pc. It came to me why I so enjoy visiting Smoke on the Water and right here, following Sam's "thank you" is what Smoke means to me. There are as many reasons for blogging as there are bloggers, I suppose, but Smoke is outstanding in that it so obviously comes from the blogger's heart, rather than his ego. Ego blogs are interesting to read too, but Smoke and a few others touch my heart, as well as my intellect. It's something to look forward to every day. Many thanks, Jim.


Ammo, huh?

And if I had been your one thousandth commenter, would have the same pleasures been mine...or do you cater to the individual?


Key, you're a shameless flirt. It's hard enough to get Jim to give us a consistently flowing stream of his wisdom, but now you are putting thoughts in his (other) head that will further distract him!


Sweet! Thanks Jim, snail-mail address is on its way to you.


hey Jim.. good gawd, man!! i bet my CZ can beat up your CZ.


yeah, yeah, yeah...

James Bond is a charmer, and I'm a shameless flirt.

Do you see now why I want to be a guy in my next life?

...so unappreciated.


Please allow me, then, to offer you your TEN thousandth insult: (*)

Ha Ha Ha!

You are the man, Jim. I shall be your 4 thousandth commenter in July, all willing.

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