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May 25, 2004



Fine rant, but your troll succeeded into widening the scope too far in your little debate. The "postpone the nomination" stunt that the (D)onks are pulling should remain on the front burner for us until they promise to actually NOMINATE KERRY, and not hold the back door open for another nominee with this postponement process.

As it stands now, Kerry can't actually be nominated to any more degree than he is now or he will have to stop spending PAC money and go with the Federal $75mil.

If he waits until around Labor Day, and then the (D)onks spring Shrillary or some shape-shifter like McCain on us, the entire process will be shoved into the sewer of darkness.

What this amounts to is the (D)onks running a write-in or "sticker" campaign on a national level. Such campaigns are only ever successful at the local or maybe State level, but theoretically, one could work at the national level. The thing is, the (D)onks are displaying the highest possible level of situational ethics here - they don't give a rip for the traditions of the election process.

The only thing left for the GOP, in this instance, is to announce that all bets are off as to who will be Bush's running mate. That will drive the lefty press nuts, but it will take the wind out of the (D)onk's sails, and may make them want to get back into the traditional mold.

It isn't the $$$ that's driving this, it's the (D)onk desire to set their own rules and stiff in Shrillary, who they know is the only sure-fire candidate who can beat Bush.

Mrs. du Toit

Jim, may I respectfully disagree?

I believe that when someone e-mails you, instead of posting in comments, it is because they really do want to discuss the issue further. They want to engage you personally.

We all have our own definition of trolls, but the key difference between a troll and spam is that the troll posts a comment as a means of Grand Standing--they're after attention by doing it in public. The fact that they've taken it private, in e-mail, means, by definition, they are no longer to be labeled a troll.

Real trolls can be harmless, generally poking fun at traditional arguments as a method of heating up a discussion (such as Um Yeah on Misha's site), who has no desire to actually discuss anything (and I do not believe for a second that he actually believes the crap he posts). It's a kind of conversation bomb, intended to cause bunched panties among the regular commenters. Those kinds of trolls are best ignored (actually, that's the only way to deal with them).

That said, if someone e-mails you with content not directed specfically to you (a kind of spam), then I'd agree with you.

Daniel Day

Jim, You (or whoever originated it, if you got it elsewhere) ought to make T-shirts with that Seal of the Democratic Party. I'm still laughing as I type this.


Rivrdog, you're right absolutley right on the need to stay on point regarding the donktard's pseudo nominee. And especially on their capricious attempt to delay the actual acceptance.

I did try to emphasize that in my response to the trollspew, but *sigh*...I did let him drift me off target there towards the end.

Still though, that crybaby logo pretty much does sum up his, and his party's position on things.

Mrs.DuToit? First ma'am, please accept my welcome here aboard the Sloop New Dawn! It's an honor to have you grace the decks here, ma'am.

But regarding your respectful disagreement; I think your post thereto would serve as a perfect example of how one should respectfully disagree when desiring to initiate an e-mail dialogue.

Conversely, the troll's blurt into my mail was merely a snide, guttersnipish shot across my bow.

In that e-mail, I did not see anything less than the routine regurgitation of Terry McAwful's lockstep talking points of the day/week/month.

Had Mr. Troll had sent a note of disagreement as polite, orderly and insightful as yours, I would have been more than happy to have engaged in a protracted back-channel discussion by e mail.

I do have some of those ongoing discussions with a few who routinely disagree with me. Obviously, their mails have yet to be, and never shall be, posted openly.

And of course, had said troll been even one-tenth as amusing as the "UmYeah-s" of blogdom, I may have even tossed it some popcorn, just as a bribe to continue.

Perhaps I'm of short patience with almost all trollish behaviors, having seen how they are in so many other sites.

I don't have to have a polecat prove to me that it stinks, before I shoot it at a safe distance.

That said, any troll who wishes to truly engage in a reasonable discussion, or even a heated one, is welcome here.

Just so long as they leave the McAwful daily scripts ashore before they step aboard.

But you're always welcome here, ma'am. I make one helluva great pot o' coffee here, too. Conversation always goes good over a fresh, steaming hot cuppa joe.

Best to everyone! (and yes, even ya trolls)

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX

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