Damn, what are the odds?
Something along the lines of SIX THOUSAND HITS, a DOZEN trackbacked links and over ONE HUNDRED non-trackbacked links to my post The Lessons Of Enemies.
And all I get is one lousy, cowardly troll in my e-mail? Well, not so cowardly so as to mail me from an un-returnable address, but damn sure too scared to face y'all in the comments section!
Oh well, let's dissect the carcass, shall we?
[email protected] writes an e-mail entitled: "You are the truly most ignorant repuke yet. . . ."
Wow. You really know how to flatter a guy!
The body of it's e-mail is just as entertaining.
I read your little rampage about us "liberals". Boy are we powerful.
Well, no, not really. Unless one is downwind, and then you reek.
Made bush make a cesspool mess of our economy.
You mean the economy that's setting fifty-year records for productivity, Gross National Product, new jobs added per month in the past two quarters, leading economic indicators, housing growth and unemployment equal to the best of your (falsely) vaunted Clinton years?
It's your rhetoric that's coming from the cesspool, moonbaby. What an addy....really, oughtn't you change it to "moonbatbaby"? Much more appropriate, in your case.
Made him become the most disliked leader among all nations, made Cheney have blowjob sex with his corporate buddies, made dumsfield "hide" facts from the President, made Osama get away, made the wmd disappear.
I'm glad he's disliked among all nations. After all, the Book of Proverbs says; "Beware when all men speak well of you.....".
No doubt Bluemoonbat, you'd suck off the quarterback of your HighSchool football team, just in the hopes that they'll all "like" you. After which, you've had to live with their derision all you life-long, since. But for you, that's okay....hey, they did finally let you in the locker room!
Also, it seems that you're transferring the trauma of your youthful experiences to your fantasies of the Vice President of the United States. Oh, I'd love to see you try that one for real! I hope you're on a first name basis with your friendly Secret Service agents?
And it's Rummy, you dummy. If you're gonna insult a member of the Adminstration, it's not a good idea to slight the one guy who'll kick your ass just 'cause you looked at him sideways.
Oh, and what a neat trick, "making" Osama get away! I loved it! Watching Osama get away, molecule-by-molecule onto his ToraBora cave walls just made my day!
But....making "the wind disappeaar?" My GOD, just what was that odd force of nature which was propelling my sailboat lo these past three years? Must have been some liberal blowhard, claiming that Bush "stole the wind".
Whadda marroooooonnn!
Stop your stupid whining. bush is a phenomenal embarrassment. He and his posse have reaked more havoc in 3 years than others have done in a lifetime.
Moonbatbaby, your grammar, spelling, syntax and punctuation are the phenomenal embarassement here. You've wreaked more havoc in your previous sentence than Babs Striessand does in her faxes to her lapdog Daschle Dachshund.
They are beyond salvagable.
As are you, but I'm at least gleaning the scrap value from your e-mail.
Just like daddy. .bush will get clobbered, and if us liberals have anything to do with it. .I'll sleep better at nite, knowing I had a small part to do with it.
Please let me encourage your continued involvement as spokestroll for your liberal causes. Why, just my posting of your tripe ought to be good for a few dozen votes for Bush.
Why don't you address the real issues and facts about this horrific administration?
Okay, I'll do that right here and now. Bush is failing his supporters when he caves in to Fox on immigration, Feinstein on the so-called "assault-weapons" ban, Kennedy the Intern Drowner on education and the AARP on prescription drug welfare for the affluent elderly.
That's what I'd call horrific. Thank you for reminding me.
Why don't you hold their lies, power-mongering, greediness accountable. No, its us liberals, right?
Yes, its you liberals. How could you have doubted yourself so? Regardless, your hero Clinton could pack more lies into one sentence; ..... "it depends on what the meaning of is, is" or, "I. Did. Not. Have. Sexual. Relations. With. That Woman!", than GWB slips into an entire year of governance.
Go smoke a joint in your shades.
What!? And bogart your joint? Perish the very thought!
Besides, last time I used that stuff was in Nineteen Seventy Five, when I realized that shit'll fuck you up!
... you think you're a real stud just like the bushies. .
Actually, I am, and they are.
What'cha gonna do about it, Moonbatbaby?
Finally, in the interest of accuracy and objectivity, I give to you Moonbatbaby's entire e-mail, whole, un-edited or alterned in any way, and completely un-fisked.
I read your little rampage about us "liberals". Boy are we powerful. Made bush make a cesspool mess of our economy. Made him become the most disliked leader among all nations, made Cheney have blowjob sex with his corporate buddies, made dumsfield "hide" facts from the President, made Osama get away, made the wmd disappear. Stop your stupid whining. bush is a phenomenal embarrassment. He and his posse have reaked more havoc in 3 years than others have done in a lifetime. They are beyond salvagable. Just like daddy. .bush will get clobbered, and if us liberals have anything to do with it. .I'll sleep better at nite, knowing I had a small part to do with it. Why don't you address the real issues and facts about this horrific administration? Why don't you hold their lies, power-mongering, greediness accountable. No, its us liberals, right? Go smoke a joint in your shades. . you think you're a real stud just like the bushies. .
I sumbit to you, dear readers.... your take on it's ravings?
Don't take it as a reflection of your blog or writing (both which are excellent), but that's one pathetic troll. Misses the standard lines of the anti-Bush trolls - no Bushitler, no blood for oooillll cry, nothing excusing the crimes of the left/Islamofascists, just nothing.
Did you direct the troll to DU to pick up their standard lines and practice mindless repetition?
Posted by: xCavTrooper | May 13, 2004 at 06:17 AM
Sounds like we have a replacement for one of the damaged Bowling pins huh?
Posted by: Airboss | May 13, 2004 at 10:43 AM
Jim -
I think that you've got the demographics about right for this loser. This is some lame high school kid who wants to "express his opinion".
Well, fine.
But as a weary old retired school teacher like me this kind of prose makes my head hurt. What worries me is that there seems to be more and more of this kind of thinking coming out of our schools.
That's what's scarey, don't you think?
Posted by: Bob Baird | May 13, 2004 at 12:44 PM
you really are consumed about sex. . me giving blowjobs to teens. . I doubt it pal, you might be that desperate I'm not. Well, I pissed you off enough to print the truth of the liberals. All you know is how to insult. . poor baby, one day maybe you inbred repugs will garnish enough IQ to finally make an intelligent statement. To have pissed you and your band of repug idiots off makes my day. . post me everyday. . I'll match you nasty comment for nasty comment. And scared of a little sailor like you. .I doubt it buddy boy. . I doubt you'd be man enough to make my day. . .
Posted by: Liberal Lady | May 13, 2004 at 01:51 PM
Hey Jim...looks like you really pissed off the Liberal Lady...amazing how the truth will often do that...Good Job!
I owe you a cold beverage.
Posted by: Sam | May 13, 2004 at 02:25 PM
Oh look! Another troll dropping. She may be Liberal but she's no lady.
Posted by: Rey | May 13, 2004 at 02:28 PM
To Bob, I'm not a high school boy. . my credentials actually mirror yours. I've always believed in telling the truth and exercising my right to free speech. The rest of you "good ole boys" wouldn't know a lady if one knocked you down. that's right. Straightforward, honest women probably intimidate the hell out of you repukes. Keep 'em barefoot and in the bedroom, eh boys? Odd, where are the women posters. .? or do you just get off on insulting them when the truth hurts? Gee, Bob, I hope someday to be as perfect as you. .but for now. .you're just perfectly misguided, senile and pretty disrespectful of other opinions. I bet your students found you to be a bore bore bore. .
Posted by: Liberal Lady | May 13, 2004 at 04:34 PM
Liberal Lady,
Get new glasses honey, those cat-eye rhinestone ones you sport are obviously no longer helping. I post here as do many other women. (Ms. Heather, Mrs. du Toit, you've been maligned, front and center, pronto!)
As "straightforward, honest, " would be apt descriptors of moi-meme, than yes, they have indeed met a lady. I also appreciate those qualities in others. One of the reasons I so enjoy Jim's fine writing here at Smoke on the Water.
A Yellow Rose of Texas
Sweet and Lovely,
thorns of steel
Posted by: Valerie | May 13, 2004 at 05:59 PM
Waitaminit! All you guys and gals are totally failing to give Liberal Lady the compassion us conservatives are supposed to be known for.
Liberal Lady, please direct us to your website so we can see your picture.
I bet you look just fine in your leathers, which, BTW, are the hide of a poor animal slaughtered for the purpose of serving Evil Men.
Then again, maybe your leathers are of the Nauga variety, and your only crime is increasing the pumping of Evil Oil to cover your skanky body.
Then again, maybe you don't wear anything at all, because nekkid is probably the only way you can get any male to take a second look at you.
But wait! I am casting an unsupported assumption to the wind. I probably erred when I supposed that you might want to attract members of the opposite sex.
More than likely, you are simply a skanky dyke.
Now, come on over and troll MY blog. I prefer, after venting my spleen on worthless one-celled organisms like you, to have a little fun with your trolling, like GOC does.
Shame on you, Blogfaddah, for beating up on this poor defenseless troll. You should have given her a running start. She probably DOES believe she can run at over 3,000 fps.
Posted by: Rivrdog | May 13, 2004 at 06:38 PM
Liberal: I refuse to address you as a lady since you haven't the foggiest idea how to act like one. You accuse the readers and writer of this site of only knowing how to insult? You may wish to re-read your comments.
No, no, I'll do the work for you. You said:
"All you know is how to insult. . poor baby, one day maybe you inbred repugs will garnish enough IQ to finally make an intelligent statement."
Liberal Pot? Meet Kettle.
Further, I am one of those straightforward, honest women and let me tell ya something missy, Jim was the epitome of gentlemen when we all went to the range and to dinner afterwards.
Yes. That's right. The range...and I'm not talking oven range Miss Thang, I'm talking a firing range. With his girlfriend as well as the rest of us. We even wore shoes! Jim insisted!
Also, not only am I one of Jim's female readers and posters, I consider him a geniune good guy and a friend. Oh ho! I bet that statement will just sieze you up for half the evening!
And finally Miss Angry Britches, you may excercise your right to free speech but it doesn't mean that the rest of us have to agree with it, like it or refrain from mocking it. This is Jim's house and he will do what he pleases with emails or comments sent to him.
Or does excercising my right to free speech mean I can come over and dump a toxic cloud of profanity and insults in the middle of your living room and expect you to just deal with it. I mean, after all, it's my right! Right?
Posted by: Serenity | May 13, 2004 at 07:29 PM
I am a "starightforward honest" LADY !
I read Jim's blog daily. He's a great write and a hell of a guy.
I'd say more, but Serenity has said it all...good going girl :)
Posted by: Linda | May 13, 2004 at 07:53 PM
Liberal Lady, moonbatbaby, or whatever your name is, you do seem to have a case of early-onset Alzheimer's. Either that, or you're a bald-faced liar.
Here, from your first comment in this very thread:
I'm consumed with sex, you say? Here,let me quote you from your original e-mail:
Yes, you have the typical Clintonial gall to obfuscate in the face of recent facts, accusing me of bringing up the subject of blowjobs?
Liars like you give Alzheimer patients a bad name.
In my original post of your looney-tunes e-mail, I covered each of your assertations with a hell of a lot more than mere insults.
Facts about our current economic boom. Facts about aspects of Bush's executive initiatives that I actually don't care for. Facts about the weaknesses, fallacies and hideous grammar, syntax and spelling in your e-mail.
Yet, you claim to Bob that you hold edcuational credentials? God help the students in your classroom then, because under your corrosive tutelage, they're surely doomed otherwise.
And I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you've not even began to piss me off, ms moonbatbaby.
Rather, you amuse me. I had great fun in deconstructing your original e-mail, and I'm having even more fun watching you wax more and more idiotic in these comments.
Oh, and the ladies I shared a firing-line with this past Saturday would be a bit pissed to know that you think them weak or unassertive. I wouldn't piss 'em off; they're well armed and have the skills to back it up.
Not to mention the fact that they're drop dead gorgeous and attract all of the right kind of attention in public.
So in the end, no, I don't care to watch you wallow in the depravity of your liberalism, or in further comments resulting therefrom. Nor would I ever deign to ever even think of you in a carnal manner.
I wouldn't even do you with Bill Clinton's crooked dick. Which, of course must be your ultimate fantasy.
Kindly now depart this blog, and never soil my comments again with your insensible ravings.
You really wouldn't want to see me pissed. Count on that, moonbatbaby.
Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX
Posted by: Jim | May 13, 2004 at 08:11 PM
Geez, Jimmy, you can't even read my screen name correctly. . .what does that say about your accuracy? Senility? Yeah, you got those shemale repukes really breathing hard. . don't any of you ladies know how to think for yourselves? You don't want differences of opinions, you just want to make people think like you. .and if they don't they are baaaaaad. I actually feel sad for your rigidity and self-absorption. You slander me, when you don't even know me. You assume, I am a dyke, I am a whore. .(well, which is it?). Too bad, I was interested in a healthy matching of wits with differing opinions. .like the blindmen and the elephant. Instead, I got a group of people I really wouldn't want to know anyway.
Posted by: Liberal Lady | May 13, 2004 at 09:38 PM
Geez, Jimmy, you can't even read my screen name correctly. . .what does that say about your accuracy? Senility? Yeah, you got those shemale repukes really breathing hard. . don't any of you ladies know how to think for yourselves? You don't want differences of opinions, you just want to make people think like you. .and if they don't they are baaaaaad. I actually feel sad for your rigidity and self-absorption. You slander me, when you don't even know me. You assume, I am a dyke, I am a whore. .(well, which is it?). Too bad, I was interested in a healthy matching of wits with differing opinions. .like the blindmen and the elephant. Instead, I got a group of people I really wouldn't want to know anyway.
Posted by: Liberal Lady | May 13, 2004 at 09:39 PM
"You slander me, when you don't even know me."
Who slandered who first ??????? You don't know Jim either.
I can think for myself and I have my OWN opinions, thank you very much.
As for a "a healthy matching of wits" ???? Give me a break. What YOU stated in your FIRST e-mail was NOT a "healthy matching of wits". All you did was put HIM down for writing what HE thinks.
Posted by: Linda | May 13, 2004 at 10:03 PM
Then climb back on your broom honey and catch up with the rest of the harpies and neutered males with whom you usually associate.
I do think for myself. Finally. About three and a half years ago I recognized my extreme leftist mindset for what it was: suicidal self-delusion.
For you and your ilk I would feel pity if your Lemming like march to the abyss wouldn't also endanger me and mine. Liberal female type, I don't have to "know" you, SHUDDER, I was once one of you.
Free at last.
Posted by: Valerie | May 13, 2004 at 10:17 PM
Liberal Cryer:
For one who spews so hard about being educated, you have a LOT to learn when it comes to punctuation. Allow me to give you a tip: When you begin a sentence, you capitalize the first letter of the first word. I'd give you more tips but you'll have to learn them on your own since I wouldn't want you to be stuck under such rigid rules and find yourself thinking like me or the other millions of people in this world who know how to properly construct a letter or comment.
As for self absorbtion, the only person I see here who displays any type of this behavior is yourself. You are so narcisstic...(do I need to give you time to look up that word?)...that you continue to come in here and heave and wretch letters hoping they'll land on the page in any sort of sensible manner, (that apparently failed), and then claim you wouldn't want to know any of us anyway.
It has been my experience that when I don't want to know somebody, I don't bother conversing with them any further. OOPS! There I go...thinking for myself again.
Ok, I'm feeling charitable tonight so I'll give you one last tip: Most people enjoy differing opinions IF they are well thought out, can be backed up with facts and are presented in a clear, concise and when the forum requires it, a READABLE fashion. Further, might I ONCE again remind you that your right to free speech, (which has not been infringed upon Miss Whiny Pants), does NOT mean that you are right, accurate or even remotely thought provoking.
Check your spelling. Check your grammer and punctuation. Check your attitude.
Now go to bed little girl...you've obviously had a big day.
Posted by: Serenity | May 14, 2004 at 01:32 AM
You do all realize that, based on spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc. (not to mention ignorance of the existence of MSWord and SPELLCHECK), Liberal Lady/moonbatbaby is probably a 350-lb. teenage boy crouched over the computer in his parents' basement, and only stopping here between visits to porn sites.
Evidently Jenna Jameson doesn't answer his e-mails, but we do.
Sorry you missed the prom, sweetie.
Posted by: Anne | May 14, 2004 at 05:10 AM
You women are one group of sorry, pathetic ugly, middle-age, needy, nasty, mouthy, ignorant, stupid women. You have not made one single intelligent statement of fact regarding your bush loyalty. All insults. You slander me personally. . what is this with you gals? How much do each one of you weigh? Blow job or oral, dyke or whore, ugly children, ugly husband or lover or chump. Doggie or missionary? These are disgusting remarks you have made. Anyone can throw your vile comments around. You are actually the most mindless, disgusting, group of assholes. Varie, get a life, Any stop moaning for big Jimbo. (or rumor has it very tiny jymbo). .I can only imagine the children that come from these get togethers. . I was a very good teacher. .something you rightwing do-gooders with vomit mouths wouldn't know anything about. I actually encouraged my students to THINK for themselves. You're so busy hating, nothing or no one will stop you. I just hope one day it isn't your "son" or "daughter" being beheaded by Iraqis. I've had enough of your venom poison. . I'll see you on Voting day. . and you can all apologize when Kerry wins. So get your grammar books out because that appears to be the most you're capable of doing, although I'll place my grammar against you goons any day. And Serenty, or seventy or whatever, just because you like looking at porn to get satisfied, doesn't mean we all do. As for now. . I hope you end up eating each other. .that's what cannibals do.
Posted by: Liberal Lady | May 14, 2004 at 02:15 PM
Now, now, temper tantrums are so unsightly in one so aged. Calm down, you're looking mighty ugly today.
First: I take you up on your offer to "place" your grammer against mine any day.
Second: You have not asked me one single thing about Bush or why I may or may not support him or things he's done. You make vast quantities of assumptions. I have yet to see you back up a single one of your claims so here's the deal. Since you were the first one to write, and since I am a good sport, you can go first. Provide evidence and proof of your claims and we will go from there.
Third: Once again I must point out the failures of your education that you proudly boast about. I gave you a tip last night in the proper construction of a sentence but you failed to retain that knowledge. I suggest you spend no less than one hour studying that tip. You also appear to have a enormous issue with spelling words and names correctly. I would tack it up to the possibility of you posting while shaking with rage and anger...but that would please me too much...so I'll say this instead: If you had been a teacher for my child, I would have yanked the kid out of that classroom fast, written to the school board and demanded your resignation.
Fourth: I weigh 130 pounds. I'm 34, far from ignorant or needy, (that's what happens when one thinks for herself), and I look DAMN good. What is pathetic is that the only thing you can think to use as a weapon against the female posters you begged to reply here are their physical features and how weak you think they might be. This illustrates how incredibly shallow, immmature and bitter you have become.
Fifth: "And Serenty, or seventy or whatever, just because you like looking at porn to get satisfied, doesn't mean we all do."
You say that like it's a bad thing. You should give it a try, might loosen that rebar you have shoved so far up your backside that it prevents you from laughing at yourself or enjoying life in the slightest.
L-rd knows I've been laughing at you this entire time.
Now, kindly take your leave and please ensure that the door hits your squarely in the ass, HARD.
Posted by: Serenity | May 14, 2004 at 03:20 PM
Serenity, if I didn't already have a girlfriend who rocks my world, I might just ask you to marry me. You, my dear, are that damn good!
Posted by: Raging Dave | May 14, 2004 at 05:25 PM
Liberal Lady{???}Allow me to apologize for ALL
the "bloggers", both male and female. They would
not berate your comments if they only knew that
you suffer from a very cirtical problem.
Allow me to explain it to them so they will be
more sympathetic to your case.
You have your head 'shoved' through a hole in
space surrounded by a sphincter muscle. That
gives you a SHITTY OUTLOOK ON LIFE. Yank your
head out and get a look at the real world.
Posted by: H&DS | May 15, 2004 at 11:21 PM