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May 21, 2004



"Sadly, time constrains me from a full take on this putrid, cynical and manipulative twisting of well understood and time-honored rules of campaigning."

Dammit. I just spit beer all over my monitor.

"of well understood and time-honored rules of campaigning."

Now I've done it again.

You jokester you.


Well it does seem appropriately... nuanced.


A couple comments...the press is already Stalinist, borderline communist or right-wing...whichever you prefer.
The right wing is howling, alright...when the left plays fair and gets one up on them they scream....
It is funny to watch them...lmao..


Over 170 years of party conventons, and this move by John Fucking Kerry is completely unprecedented, in any way, shape or form.

There has never been a convention from which a formal nominee did not emerge. Be it from a brokered convention, smoke filled room or whatever it took.

Laugh at the right all you want, but by J. Fucking Kerry displaying and possibly acting on such an obviously faithless ploy, he's just reinforcing his image as an insincere, shallow, vapid cardboard cutout of a candidate.

Lincoln said it best.

"You can fool all of the people some of the time. You can fool some of the people all of the time. But you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And a huge majority of people aren't being fooled, be it by J.Fucking Kerry, the DNC or their lapdogs in the mainstream liberal media.

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX


And you expected any less from the party that tried to sue their way into the White House in 2000?

Actually, the (D)onks aren't too cagey. They shouldn't have telegraphed this punch. Had I been them, I would have sprung it as a surprise, waiting until the Rules Committee of the convention had to turn in their final report just before the nomination.

It does show just how far the (D)onks are willing to go to pervert the law. There will come a time when people who actually respect the Constitution will have to lay it ALL on the line.

Get back to the range, my friend.



Here again, your lack of knowledge on the voting scandal shows your ignorance. You can find the case online, I won't do it for you.
The case is Bush v. Gore.....now if you knew anything, you would se that Bush sued to stop the dilemna in Florida so he wouldn't lose. Bush, being the plaintiff, sued Gore, the respondent. Time to wake up.

Here is a little history lesson for you on the Party that is so endeared to you...read it, suck it up and admit it.....the right sucks at about anything they do.

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