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May 26, 2004


doc Russia

Just a test. It's almost 10pm, local.
Let's see if it works.


Let's see if this works :)


How about this one?

Dennis Cottingham

Another test for ya!


This one is for the geeks to solve, but in this old investigator's mind there must be a connection between Six Apart's marketing initiative for Moveable Type 3.0, with it's huge new fees for licensees, and the now-overloaded status of TypePad. Since both M/T and TypePad accomplish the same thing, but TypePad is only a fraction of the cost, it seems that maybe Six Apart's strategy is to dump people off their older versions of Moveable Type and into the less-bandwidth-hoggy TypePad, further increasing the swerver dumps that the latest "fixes" in the spam-control arena have caused.

This outfit is in a death-spiral, or loxodromic curve for the mathematically inclined. They don't seem to have learned the basic spin-recovery tactic of opposite stick and rudder to pull out of a spin.

It would seem that the prudent thing to do is to consider a move to a more stable blog-engine.

There's a fine expanation of the marketing FUBARs of Six Apart at It Can't Rain All the Time:


Look for the posts entitled MT TEOTWAWKI (1 & 2)

Light & Dark


The reason I couldn't comment? They had screwed the content filters down so tight, they were disallowing the '&' symbol! So of course every comment of mine was blocked. (Light & Dark)

I'm concerned that the Typepad folks are spread too thin and just aren't putting in the time to come up with elegant solutions, and instead, like you said, are just flailing around with what comes first to hand.

Another reason I'm unhappy is that for the second time in a few months, service has been badly compromised with respect to speed. It's been happening for at least 2 weeks, but only now have they announced they're going to upgrade the storage servers. I expect better from a paid hosting company. They owe it to their customers to monitor that kind of thing well in advance and correct for it before it ever impacts us, not after.

I love the TypePad service but they keep missing the boat (sorry) on stuff that should be within their core competencies.

Pull up your socks TypePad!


I'm beginning to really, really hate Type Pad

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX

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