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May 22, 2004



Let us not use terms like 'insurgents'. Call them what they are-- Goons, murderers, the most despicable forms of low-life, who have no interest in establishing civilized communities, but are only interested in creating rogue entities. They have no respect for jurisprudence, conventions, and courts of justice or any of the other trappings of civilization. Call them what you will--terrorists or right-wing conservatives, Christians or Muslims, their ideals are the same. Welcome to the Crusades!!!


Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: moral equivalence. No flash photography, I understand that trolls are generally blind but we wouldn't want to startle him if that isn't the case here.

Guy S.

sheesh, I just popped in to say Whittle's essay was spot on. Didn't expect the trolls would be coming out from under their bridges quite so soon. Where is the "Flit"?

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