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June 11, 2004



I would have to agree.


America --

I seems that Ronald Regan started something when he stepped into our daily lives. Now in death he continues that destination he wanted our country to achieve. Our many citizens need to learn discipline again. Many of us have become so comfortable and so many are too young to remember when extinction of a way of life could be readily achieved by a bomb. Now that we have world wide agreement that a bomb would be disaster for everyone and for earth, no one believes that extinction of a way of life is possible. Let me tell you that is not true. The terrorists that we have dealt with for more than two decades now are still planning attacks on nations and trying to eliminate the combined efforts of the allied nations. This is because of our freedom and democracy. Discipline is the only way we will achieve the task at hand. Get busy boys and win this one. Don't be passive lest we loose.

We need the fortitude to get the job done. Help from all those that are so strong will be needed. Find them -- get them on board and make sure we don't loose something very precious. Our country and way of life is in mortal danger. No one in the country seems to understand. Make them understand.

God Bless -


Damn straight.

Hmm. That Marine appears to be wearing ribbons for the Army Commendation Medal (w/ cluster), the Army Good Conduct Medal, the Kosovo Campaign Medal (w/ cluster), the NATO Kosovo medal, and (as do all service members, these days) the National Defense Service Medal, as well as his USMC badges.

Looks to me like he's "been there, done that" - and come back for more.

Where do we get such men?


Correction: Army Achievement Medal w/ cluster, not the ARCOM.

Raging Dave

Damn, you're right! That's an AAM and GCM on top.

AAM with an oak leaf... so he was in for a while before switching services.


This is really great!
I liked it much - more of this please!!!

CU soon

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