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June 08, 2004


A Recovering Liberal

Gracias for pointing that out, Jim.


I wonder sometimes if it's my age, 52 years old, but I so appreciate when I read posts like this. Where, because of good writing, you can see it like it's happening now.

I've never commented on your blog before, read you since you started. From one Texan to another, thank you for some good reads.

Val Prieto

Thank you Jim. It's an honor to receive such a compliment from a darn good writer such as yourself.

I must say that my entry pretty much wrote itself. It was one of those where you feel your fingers on the keyboard while looking at the screen and the right words just seem to follow one another. I sat there reading it with a lump in my throat and watery eyes.


I've been noticing your posts at nicedoggie, acidman and masta' charles' lil'greenfootballs. Been meaning to follow up and check out your blog. Nice.
Oh yeah, I also checked out Beebees'. You both write beautifully. Maybe I'll take up blogging again. But right now, with my hands full taking care of an orphaned foal I'll just enjoy reading your wisdom, jokes and stories.
Y'all keep up the good writing.
It's nice to know there's other literate texicanius jacksonians online. :)

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