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June 30, 2004



It's always a good thing when your foes stand up and make targets of themselves. They seem, in some ways, to have abandoned their "creeping incrimentalism" approach.

Plus, of course, we're the ones who are armed.

La Shawn Barber

This is off-topic, but I wanted to let you know I'll be adding you to my blogroll this weekend. Have a great holiday!

Bob Baird

Jim --

Just think... another Clinton Presidency. Sorta makes your skin crawl doesn't it?

To my mind, a ClintonII gig reminds me most of all of AudreyII in Little Shop of Horrors. Sha-Doop! Well... remember that sudden eclipse of the sun? There's Hillary singing Feed me Seeemore!

Where do I sign up for refugee status in Patagonia?


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